7 commits
to master
since this release
O que mudou?
- Update BlocoC.cs by @marcosgerene in #121
- Melhorias - Interceptar linha atual no processo de leitura e escrita by @marcosgerene in #122
- Alterado quantidade de casas decimais do K235 no campo QTD by @AgnaldoSilva0 in #136
- Correção tipos das propriedades D300 e D310 - EFD Fiscal - Issue #132 by @fabricioevieira in #135
- Adicionado nova Versão do layout (Versão 19) do EFD ICMS IPI. by @ThalyaAutocom in #141
- fix: type to int by @brunoguelere in #142
New Contributors
- @AgnaldoSilva0 made their first contribution in #136
- @fabricioevieira made their first contribution in #135
- @brunoguelere made their first contribution in #142
Full Changelog: v24.1.27.2...19.0.0-EFDFiscal