Implementation of the Orion's Belt BattleGrounds battle engine in Clojure(Script)
This is a chess-like board game, played on an 8x8 board. The player has up to 8 units to play and he starts by deploying them on the first 2 rows. This is unlike chess where you have all the pieces deployed in a standard way. After both players deploy their units, one is randomly choosen to draw first blood.
Also unlike chess, each player has 6 action points to spend on his turn. Each unit has a movement cost and an attack cost. There are many units and each one has it's own gameplay tactics.
When deploying or during the turn, there are the following actions available:
Places 10 :rain
units on coord [8 8]
. Only possible on the deploy phase.
Gathers all available units and deploys them using a template. On this example the :firingsquad
template is being used. Mainly used by the AI.
Moves 3
units on coord [1 2]
to coord [2 3]
. Coords must be adjacent. The movement takes action points, depending on the selected unit's movement cost. You can do a partial move, but it will cost double action points.
Moves all units on [1 2]
to [4 4]
. It tries to find a path using the unit's movement cost and movement type.
Rotates unit on coord [2 3]
to north
. It's possible to rotate to any direction and it takes 1 action point. Units can only attack to where they are faced.
Orders unit on coord [2 3]
to attack unit on coord [2 6]
. Takes 1 action point. They specified unit must have a range
to reach the target unit.
All unit properties are defined on the metadata files. Units have several properties:
- Range
- Damage
- Health
- Bonus (damage and health bonus against specific categories)
- Movement type (
) - Category (
Units may also have special powers:
- Catapult: may attack even if other units are on the way
- Rebound: when the target unit is destroyed, the remaining damage is given to the next unit in line
- StrikeBack: when a unit is damage, it will also damage it's attacker
- TripleAttack: when a unit attacks, it also damages units perpendicular to the target
These special powers can be mixed and matched and several units have one or more of them.
Add the following dependency to your project.clj
You can create a game with a given stash for each player. A stash is an associative collection with the units and corresponding quantities to deploy.
(def stash (obb-rules.stash/create :rain 1
:crusader 2))
(def game (obb-rules.game-progress/new-game {:p1 stash :p2 stash} {:mode :annihilation})
;=> {:state :deploy, :stash {:p2 {:crusader 2, :rain 1}, :p1 {:crusader 2, :rain 1}}, :width 8, :height 8, :elements {}}
Or you can just create a game with a random stash. In this case, the same random stash is given to all players.
(obb-rules.game-progress/new-random-game {:mode :annihilation})
;=> {:state :deploy, :stash {:p2 {"toxic" 100, "anubis" 100, "heavy-seeker" 25, "nova" 25, "kamikaze" 50, "scarab" 50, "worm" 50, "crusader" 25}, :p1 {"toxic" 100, "anubis" 100, "heavy-seeker" 25, "nova" 25, "kamikaze" 50, "scarab" 50, "worm" 50, "crusader" 25}}, :width 8, :height 8, :elements {}}
Then, you can apply actions in a turn.
(obb-rules.turn/process game :p1 [:move [1 2] [2 3] quantity]
[:rotate [2 3] :north]
[:attack [2 3] [2 6]])
You'll get a result stating if the turn was successful and with the new board. There are several more working examples on the unit tests.
This lib includes a very simple AI implementation. There is one implementation named :firingsquad
that tries to mimic tipical firing squad tactics. The bot API is very simple: You pass it a board and the player to process, and it returns actions to process. The acts-as-a-bot-test has several usage examples.