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Yuan Ma may210297

Tsinghua University Beijing, China

Yongqian Wu niuoruo

Xidian University

Li, Facheng AlphaLFC
PhD of astrophysics, graduated from PMO, CAS. Now addicted to deep learning and self driving car.

@motovis Shanghai;

Joel Clay jclay
Founder @MeldStudio.

@MeldStudio NYC

allolgeil allolgeil
there is a black swan I want to take

company beijing

Sicheng Hua sc-hua
Python / Java; Computer Vision; Under Postgraduate 🫨


Hirox xrlexpert
Hello!I‘m a college student learning cs in HITsz.

HITSZ Shenzhen.China

Zezhao Guo ZacharyG666
Think proactively using first principles.
Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Kimia Rezaei kimiarezaei
Electrical and Electronics Engineering PhD student
Soyeong Kim soyeongkim

Automotive intelligence lab @ailab-hanyang Seoul, South Korea

Nathan Joseph Savio Pereira nathanpereira1234
🚀 Hi there! I'm Nathan , a problem-solving wizard.Open Source Supporter|.LLM innovator

Codeclause Mapusa,Goa

Junlin Chang 123456789asdfjkl
Beihang university major in Computer Vision and Graphics

Beihang university China

ChoHyoungSeo ChoHyoungSeo

Seoul National University

leon v-leonhou Nice to meet you.....


xi cheng byronrwth

Nvidia Munich, Bayern, Germany

Ryan RunyuChen

Xiamen University, Guangdong University of Technology. China

Jiahui Zhang zjhthu
Tsinghua University


Anh Nguyen (Aengus) aengusng8
Love the combination of mathematics, coding, and intuition. Contributor @huggingface 🤗; AI Research Resident @VinAIResearch


Hongbo Zhu Hongbo-Z

University of Manchester University of Manchester

Yue Gao ueoo
Researcher at Microsoft Research

Microsoft Research, Peking University Beijing, China

Zewei Liu Nick-0814
Always stay positive and maintain an open and honest attitude.

Northeastern University(NEU) Shenyang, China

kenny ZKangsen
Moving Bricks: Copy, Paste


Hui Li leehoiey
A Ph.D. in SDS at CUHKSZ.