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scanner 1.32.0

Install from the command line:
Learn more about npm packages
$ npm install @getappmap/scanner@1.32.0
Install via package.json:
"@getappmap/scanner": "1.32.0"

About this version

AppMap Scanner

Code scanning, linting, assertions and alerts.

Provides consistent ways to filter (include and exclude) the AppMap events and property values.

Rule configuration

Event filters

Two standard event filters are provided that can be used with every rule: include and exclude. These filters are applied to an event, and make a determination about whether or not that event should be checked by the rule.

An event filter can be applied in one of two ways:

  • scope the entire scope - for example, http_server_request, command.
  • event an individual event within a scope. When enumerateScope is true for a rule, the event filters are applied automatically by the scanner framework. When enumerateScope is false, the rule code must apply the filter itself.

The event filter consists of a property name and a test. The framework fetches the property value from the event, and then applies the test. The test can be one of three types:

  • equal - value string matches the filter condition exactly.
  • include - value string includes the filter condition.
  • match - value string matches the filter condition regexp.

Here's an example of a rule configured with a custom include event filter. The event filter prevents the rule from being applied to SQL queries that include the fragment FROM "pg_class" INNER JOIN "pg_attribute" (because these queries are fetching ORM metadata, not application code).

- id: tooManyJoins
    - event:
        property: query
          include: FROM "pg_class" INNER JOIN "pg_attribute"

Pattern filters

A second type of filter is pattern filter. Pattern filters are provided by rules that need, or benefit from, specific configuration.

Like Event filters, a pattern filter uses equal, include, or match. The data to which the pattern filter is applied depends on the particulars of the rule. For example, this pattern filter finds slow function calls within a specific package:

- id: slowFunctionCall
      - match: ^app/models
    timeAllowed: 0.25

Schema validation

The configuration YAML is validated against the rule schema before the scan is run. Any errors in the configuration are reported, and must be fixed before the scan can continue. Consult the documentation for each rule to see it's pattern filters and other configurable properties.


We use yarn for package management. Run yarn to install dependencies and yarn build to emit JavaScript. To run without first emitting JavaScript to the filesystem, use yarn start.

Access to the private package

The scanner is released as a private package on Github Packages. To include it as a dependency add these lines to your .npmrc:


Create a new personal token that has read:packages scope (or use existing one if any). Export it in your CLI:

export GITHUB_TOKEN=yourtokenhere

Add the package with yarn:

yarn add @applandinc/scanner

Writing findings to a report

It is possible to export scanner findings to a file in human or machine readable formats.

Text format (default):

yarn scanner -d tmp/appmap --report-file=report.txt

JSON format:

yarn scanner -d tmp/appmap --report=json --report-file=report.json

CI integration

When using Appmap Scanner in CI you can post findings summary as a commit status and/or a PR comment (currently only GitHub is supported). In order to allow access to your repo you need to create a personal token with following privileges and add it as a GH_TOKEN env variable to your CI:

  • repo for posting PR comments
  • repo:status for posting commit statuses

Commit status

yarn scanner -d tmp/appmap --commit-status=github

PR comment

yarn scanner -d tmp/appmap --pull-request-comment=github

New scanner ideas


Using a local branch of @appland/models

Use yarn link to create a symlink to a local version of @appland/models. Make sure the models package is built according to the instructions in its own README.

$ yarn link ../appmap-js/packages/models



  • scanner-1.32.0-npm.tgz

Download activity

  • Total downloads 326
  • Last 30 days 0
  • Last week 0
  • Today 0