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cvs-type-definitions 1.0.9

Install from the command line:
Learn more about npm packages
$ npm install @dvsa/cvs-type-definitions@1.0.9
Install via package.json:
"@dvsa/cvs-type-definitions": "1.0.9"

About this version


json schema and .ts type definitions for cvs vta application


Install GitHub package:

  • Ensure consuming repo is set up to install private DVSA packages by adding the following to the .npmrc file: @dvsa:registry=
  • NOTE: in order to install private DVSA packages you will need a .npmrc file in your $PATH containing a personal access token linked to the DVSA org. You should add the token to your .npmrc file as follows:
  • install GitHub package: npm install @dvsa/cvs-type-definitions@latest

Example usage (TS types):

import { CommercialVehicleTestSchema } from @dvsa/cvs-type-definitions/types/test

Example usage (json schemas)

The package exports an isValidObject() function which can be used to validate an object against a specified schema. E.g:

Updating a schema

Edits should only be made to json schema definitions within json-definitions directory.

TypeScript interfaces will be generated from these files and saved to types directory. De-referenced json schema definitions will be saved to json-schemas directory. Only these two directories are published in the npm package.

  1. Navigate into the relevant schema (e.g. ./json-definitions/test/index.json)
  2. Edit file
  3. Generate the new TypeScript and de-referenced json schema definitions using npm run generate
  4. Bump the version of the package using npm version {major|minor|patch}
  5. Publish updates

Adding a new schema

  1. Create a new subdirectory with an appropriate name within the json-defininitions directory (e.g. my-new-schema)
  2. Add an index.json file to the new directory with appropriate json schema definitions
  3. Add the new schema name to the schemas constant array in ./schemas.ts NOTE: this MUST match the directory name created at step 1 (my-new-schema in the example here)
  4. Generate the new TypeScript definitions using npm run generate
  5. Bump the version of the package using npm version {major|minor|patch}
  6. Publish updates

Publishing github package

  1. Raise a Pull Request on Github and await approvals
  2. Once merged, publish the new package from the latest develop branch to GitHub packages using npm publish - _You must be logged in and have the correct permissions to publish to the package



  • cvs-type-definitions-1.0.9.tgz

Download activity

  • Total downloads 1
  • Last 30 days 0
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