The LSystem Playground uses the HTML5 canvas and dat.GUI controls to allow for the seamless and real time modification and creation of LSystems.
- Axiom - The starting "sentence" of the system
- Constants - The set of characters that will move the turtle forwards and draw a line
- Rules - A set of keys and values which are used in the iteration process. Any keys found in the existing sentence are replaced with the associated value, simultaneously for all rules
- Angle - The degrees by which the turtle's state will change when rotating left or right
- dhue - The amount by which the hue(in HSV) of the line changes every time a line is drawn
- Iterations - The number of times the set of rules is applied to the axiom
- Zoom - The size of the drawn system, which is in reality the size of individual line length
- Rotation - The degrees by which the turtle is rotated before beginning the drawing process