Tool to automatically decode/decipher a message. The following decoders/deciphers have been implemented:
- Base16
- Base32
- Base64
- Base85
- Autokey
- Atbash
- Baconian
- Beaufort
- Caesar
- MorseCode
- ROT13
- ROT47
- Playfair
- Vigenère
git clone
Python3 argparse, colorama, pycipher and pyperclip libraries. To install them using pip3:
pip3 install argparse colorama pycipher pyperclip
python3 -h
usage: [-h] [-l LEVELS] [-k KEY] [-p PATTERN] -m MESSAGE
optional arguments:
- -h, --help show this help message and exit
- -l LEVELS, --levels LEVELS Number of decoding levels [1-6], default = 2
- -k KEY, --key KEY Key used to decode
- -c CAESAR, --caesar CAESAR Caesar shift to use [0-25], default = 3
- -s, --show_all Show chains with errors during decoding
- -p PATTERN, --pattern PATTERN Search pattern in decoded string
required named arguments:
- -m MESSAGE, --message MESSAGE Message to decode
echo -n "TEST" | base64 | base64 VkVWVFZBPT0K
python3 --message VkVWVFZBPT0K --levels 2
- base64 > base64 > TEST
- base64 > rot13 > IRIGIN==
- base64 > rot47 > 't'%'pll
- rot13 > base64 > # !m
- rot13 > rot13 > VkVWVFZBPT0K
- rot13 > rot47 > xIxyx$|~rv_)
- rot47 > rot13 > '<'('h+d!%_m
- rot47 > rot47 > VkVWVFZBPT0K