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A full featured Svelte TreeView component for the rest of us!

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At last... a full featured tree component for the Svelte eco-system.

This package is a port of the excellent he-tree, ported from Vuejs 3 to Svelte 5. It took me a long time to adjust to the vuejs syntax, learn svelte 5, port sub-components svelte-virtuallists and port the code. Many thanks to the original author, this project would have not made it if the code was not opensourced.

At this point, I can confidently state that Svelte 5 has a natural syntax, breaking away from other frameworks without sacrificing features or performance.


  • ❺❺➎⓹⓹ Svelte 5+ only Build for Svelte 5+ in Typescript.

  • 🚀 Performant Can render large tree elements, thanks to its optimization with svelte-virtuallists.

  • 🛠 Configurable Headless, themeable, unobtrusive, easily adjustable, with built-in styling and behavioral parameters.

  • 💠 Advanced Features Headless, Drag and drop, Key controls, Tree and tabular shaped data, Checkboxes, Indetermined state, Right to left...etc.

  • 🧩 Programming Interface Powerful API and events to integrate in all your projects.

  • 💼 Small Compact, one dependency – Only ~7kb when compressed.

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	import { Tree } from 'svelte-treeviews';

	const data = [{text:'A'},{ text:'B'}, { text:'C', children: [{ text:'C1'},{ text:'C2'},{ text:'C3'}]} ];

<Tree class='mystyle' style='width:100%;height=600px' model={data}>


The component accepts the following properties

Property Type Required? Description
model NodeData[] the model, the data for the items to display in the list.
updateBehavior modify or new or disabled (modify)
indent number (20) Node indent in pixels
scrollable boolean (false) is the tree rendered as part of a scrollable viewport
scrollablePrerenderCount number (20) Used for SSR, when scrollable is active: how many records to pre-render
defaultOpen boolean (false) When true, the tree displays as fully open, at all levels.
rtl boolean (system default) Right to Left rendering
btt boolean (false) Bottom to top rendering inverses the tree upside down
treeLineStyle none or singleline or orthogonal (none) Render tree lines that connect each node of the tree with different styles.
treeLineOffset number (8) Horizontal displacement of tree lines in pixels
class string Any css class to apply on the tree
style string Any css styles to apply on the tree
  • NodeData is a generic type


Property attributes Required? Description
tree_slot { data: NodeData, info: NodeInfo, tree: Tree } Snippet called to render every visible item of the model
treeLine { data: NodeData, info: NodeInfo, tree: Tree } Snippet which can be used to customize how tree lines are rendered
placeholder { tree: Tree} Snippet which can be used to customize the drop placeholder UI


Tree state events

Property Type Description
onNodeChecked (NodeInfo):void Triggered when a node is checked
onNodeSelected (NodeInfo):void Triggered when a node is selected
onNodeOpened (NodeInfo):void Triggered when a grouping node is opened
onNodeClosed (NodeInfo):void Triggered when a grouping node is closed
onUpdateValue (NodeInfo):void Triggered when node value changes, or batch update completed - behavioe depends up updateBehavior

Positioning events

Property Type Description
onAfterScroll {offset:number, event} When scrollable is used, fires when the scrollbar changes position.
onVisibleRangeUpdate {start:number, end:number} When scrollable is used, fires when the visible window is sliding to display new items. start and end are expressed as model indexes.

Drag&Drop events

Property Type Description
onBeforeDragStart dragNode Triggered before drag start
onAfterDrop Triggered after drop. Only triggered on dropped tree
onDropChange Triggered after changed by drop. Triggered on both 2 trees when drag cross trees
onDragEnter DragEvent Triggered when drag enter a tree
onDragLeave DragEvent Triggered when drag leave a tree


API Function Type Description
add `(nodeData:NodeData, parent: NodeInfo undefined, index?: number): void`
addMulti (dataArr: any[], parent?: NodeInfo, startIndex?: number | null ): void Add multiple continuously nodes. parent is null means roo
batchUpdate (task: () => any): void Merge multiple data updates, events are only riased once
closeAll (): void Close all nodes.
getChecked (withDemi?: boolean): NodeInfo[] Get all checked nodes. Param withDemi means including half checked
getData (filter?: ((data: never) => never), root?: NodeInfo): NodeData[]; Generate and get current data without stat. Param filter can handle each node data
getSiblings (node: NodeInfo): NodeInfo[]; Get all siblings of a node including it self.
getNodeInfo (node:NodeData): NodeInfo Get stat by node data.
getUnchecked (withDemi?: boolean): NodeInfo[] Get all unchecked nodes. Param withDemi means including half checked.
has (nodeData: unknown): boolean Detect the tree if has the stat of given node data.
isVisible (node: NodeInfo |NodeData): boolean Detect if node is visible. When parent invisible or closed, children are invisible. The parameter can n be a nodeInfo or a nodeData.
iterateParent (node: NodeInfo, opt?: { withSelf: boolean }): Generator Iterate all parents of a node. Param opt.withSelf means including it self
move (node:NodeInfo, parent?: NodeInfo, index: number): boolean Move node. parent is null means root. Similar to add, check the example of add
openAll (): void Open all nodes
openNodeAndParents (node: NodeData | NodeInfo): void Open a node and its all parents to make it visible. The argument nodeDataOrInfo can be node data or node info
remove (node:NodeInfo): boolean Remove node.
removeMulti (dataArr: any[]): boolean Remove multiple nodes, ensure only one change event is raised
updateCheck (): void Recalculate checked state of all nodes from end to root.



NodeData is a generic type representing the custom user data of each node. NodeData[] is typically given as the model amd processes as items in snippets or events


NodeInfo is a superset of NodeData. It stores the metadata used by the tree to render and process the tree structure properly.

interface NodeInfo<T> {

  // user data
  data: T;
  // pointer to parent node, undefined for top node
  parent?: NodeInfo<T>;
  // list of children, grouping nodes will have children.length > 0
  children: NodeInfo<T>[];
  // is the node open?
  expended: boolean;
  // depth, 0 is top level
  level: number = 0;
  // is the node hidden?
  hidden: boolean;
  // is the checkbox active? 0 means indetermined
  checked: boolean | 0;
  // is the node draggable? undefined means inherit parent
  draggable?: boolean;
  // is the node droppable? undefined means inherit parent
  droppable?: boolean;
  // any style to apply to this node, undefined means inherit parent
  style?: string;
  // any class to apply to this node, undefined means inherit parent
  class?: string;


DragContext provides the context is which a drag&drop action is run.


  tree: DraggableTreeType; // Draggable component instance.
  dragNode: NodeInfo<T>; // The dragging node.
  parent: NodeInfo<T> | null; // Parent of dragging node.
  siblings: NodeInfo<T>[]; // Siblings of dragging node.
  indexBeforeDrop: number; // Index of dragging node before drop.


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a WIP - not working



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