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🐞 bug
🐞 bug
Something isn't working
📚 documentation
📚 documentation
Improvements or additions to documentation
❌ duplicate
❌ duplicate
This issue or pull request already exists
🎹 events
🎹 events
MIDIKit Events
🚧 help wanted
🚧 help wanted
Extra attention is needed
🎹 i/o
🎹 i/o
♻️ in progress
♻️ in progress
Issue is actively being worked on
💡 new feature
💡 new feature
New feature request
🏁 pending closure
🏁 pending closure
Issue is resolved, pending confirmation
🎩 refinement
🎩 refinement
An enhancement to an existing feature
🎹 smf
🎹 smf
MIDIKit SMF (Standard MIDI File)
🎹 sync
🎹 sync
MIDIKit Sync (MTC, etc.)
💤 won't fix
💤 won't fix
This will not be worked on