Distributed key generation on Ethereum virtual machine for BLS threshold signature using the elliptic curve BN256.
Compatible with BGLS library.
- Node.js (tested on v10.6.0)
- Truffle
npm install -g truffle
- Ganache
- make sure at least 3 accounts are created.
git clone https://github.com/orbs-network/dkg-on-evm.git
cd dkg-on-evm
npm install
- Full test run:
truffle test
- Specific test run:
truffle test ./test/<name_of_test>.js
- testHappyFlow.js - tests a successful flow.
- testComplaints.js - tests justified/unjustified complaints.
- testTimeouts.js - tests timeouts occurnce in enrollment and commitment phases.
- The tests may take rather long time. Right now there are two options to make the test go faster without damaging the quality of the tests. First, make sure the timeouts, that are defined inside the DKG contract, are small. Second, make sure that the not too many account are created in the Ganache client (the minimum number of accounts for the tests to work properly is 3 accounts).
In simulation directory.