You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 33
Test Scenarios
Go to Register an account page by pressing the button on login page
- Given User is on the ORB login page
- When Press register link
- Then Register an account page should be displayed
Register an account
- Given User is on the register page
- When Complete the form with "valid" full name, "valid" email address, "valid" password and "same" password on repeat
- Then Register button "should" be enabled
- And New account "should" be registered
- And Login using referred email address and password "should" be enabled
Login using registered email address and correct password
- Given User is on the ORB login page
- When Enter "registered" email address
- And Enter "correct" password
- And Press the ORB button Log In
- Then Access to ORB "should" be enabled
Change password from a existing account
- Given user is on the ORB profile page
- When insert new password
- And insert the same new password on confirmation password
- And insert the old password
- And press save button on change password session
- Then password should be changed
- And login using the new password should be enabled
Go to request password page
- Given user is on the login ORB page
- And already have an account registered
- When click on "Forgot Password?" link
- Then request password page should be opened
Request password
- Given user is on request password page
- When enter the registered email address
- And press "Request Password" button
- Then an email should be send with a link to reset the password
Unhappy paths follow the same steps as the happy paths and just changes the data
- Login using unregistered email address and correct password
- Login using registered email address and incorrect password
- Login using unregistered email address and incorrect password
- Request a link to reset password with an invalid email address
- Register an account with different passwords
- Register an account with less than 8 characters
- Register an account with more than 50 characters
Add a new sink with valid name, type and remote host and without other information.
- Given there is on Sink Management page
- When press "+NEW SINK" button
- When insert valid name
- when insert valid type
- When press "NEXT" button
- When insert valid remote host
- When press "NEXT" button
- When press "SAVE" button
- Then sink should be successfully created
- Then referred sink should be displayed on all sinks page
Add a new sink with all information valid
- Given there is on Sink Management page
- When press "+NEW SINK" button
- When insert valid name
- When insert valid description
- when insert valid type
- When press "NEXT" button
- When insert valid remote host
- When insert valid Username
- When insert valid Password
- When press "NEXT" button
- When press "SAVE" button
- Then sink should be successfully created
- Then referred sink should be displayed on all sinks page
Edit existing sink by the edit button on “all sinks” page
- Given there is on Sink Management-all sinks page
- Given there is a sink already created
- When press "edit" button
- Then editing the details must be enabled
- Then edited information must be overwritten
Navigate into creation sink form pages
- Given there is on Sink Creation
- When Required Fields was inserted
- Then navigation into pages using "NEXT" and "BACK" buttons should be enabled
Cancel creation sink
- Given there is on Sink Creation
- When press "CANCEL"
- Then sink creation should be closed
- Then no sink should be added
Visualize existing sink
- Given there is on Sink Management-all sinks page
- Given there is a sink already created
- When press "visualize" button
- Then sink details visualization should be opened
- Then name, description, service type, remote host, date created and status should be displayed
Close visualization
- Given there is on sink details page
- When press "xCLOSE" button
- Then Sink Details should be closed
- Then no modifications should be done on sink page
Edit existing sink by the edit button on visualize existing sink page
- Given there is on Sink Management-all sinks page
- Given there is a sink already created
- When press "visualize" button
- When press "edit" button
- Then visualization should be closed
- Then editing the details must be enabled
- Then edited information must be overwritten
Remove existing sink writing sink’s name correctly
- Given there is on Sink Management-all sinks page
- Given there is a sink already created
- When press "Remove" button
- When type the sink name label correctly on Delete Sink Confirmation
- When press "I UNDERSTAND, DELETE THIS SINK" button
- Then referred sink should be deleted
Close Delete sink page without type name label
- Given there is on Delete Sink Confirmation page
- When press "xCLOSE" button
- Then Delete Sink Confirmation page should be closed
- Then no modifications should be done on sink page
Close Delete sink page with type name label
- Given there is on Delete Sink Confirmation page
- Given there is typed name label correctly
- When press "xCLOSE" button
- Then Delete Sink Confirmation page should be closed
- Then no modifications should be done on sink page
Filter sinks by Name
Filter sinks by Description
Filter sinks by Type
Filter sinks by Status
Filter sinks by Tags
Add a new sink without any information
- Given there is on Sink Management page
- When press "+NEW SINK" button
- When insert no name
- When insert no description
- when insert no type
- Then "NEXT" button shouldn't be enabled
Add a new sink without Name
- Given there is on Sink Management page
- When press "+NEW SINK" button
- When insert no name
- When insert valid description
- when insert valid type
- Then "NEXT" button shouldn't be enabled
Add a new sink with invalid Name
- Given there is on Sink Management page
- When press "+NEW SINK" button
- When insert invalid name
- When insert valid description
- when insert valid type
- Then "NEXT" button shouldn't be enabled
Add a new sink without Type
- Given there is on Sink Management page
- When press "+NEW SINK" button
- When insert valid name
- When insert valid description
- when insert no type
- Then "NEXT" button shouldn't be enabled
Add a new sink with invalid Type
- Given there is on Sink Management page
- When press "+NEW SINK" button
- When insert valid name
- When insert valid description
- when insert invalid type
- Then "NEXT" button shouldn't be enabled
Add a new sink without Remote Host
- Given there is on Sink Management page
- When press "+NEW SINK" button
- When insert valid name
- When insert valid description
- when insert valid type
- When press "NEXT" button
- When insert no remote host
- When insert valid Username
- When insert valid Password
- Then "NEXT" button shouldn't be enabled
Add a new sink with invalid Remote Host
- Given there is on Sink Management page
- When press "+NEW SINK" button
- When insert valid name
- When insert valid description
- when insert valid type
- When press "NEXT" button
- When insert invalid remote host
- When insert valid Username
- When insert valid Password
- Then "NEXT" button shouldn't be enabled
Remove existing sink writing sink’s name incorrectly
- Given there is on Sink Management-all sinks page
- Given there is a sink already created
- When press "Remove" button
- When type the sink name label incorrectly
- When press "I UNDERSTAND, DELETE THIS SINK" button
- Then referred sink should be deleted