SoundLib is an environment for live audio programming and creating plugins and software. Currently it's a library of dsp and control objects being built into an interpreted environment, SoundLib is just a working title.
The main audio base-class Sig should provide everything needed to incorporate classes from other libraries like Stk or Maximilian:
float* inputs[num_inlets] --(default is 64)
float* input --(same as inputs[0])
float output
float val --provided to store 1 intial value
void init(uint _inlets = 1, bool _summing = auto_summing)
-sets number of active inlets, toggles summing behavior
Each inlet is itself a summing-bus with a max of 64 parralel inputs.
This can be overriden in which case each inlet is mapped directly to the summing input,
otherwise each of the 64 inlets (inputs*) is mapped to a summing output.
void initVal(float* val, int inlet)
-points an inlet to any existing float
void setVal(float f, int inlet = 1)
-assigns a value to val and points an inlet to it
Sig(double val = 0)
-(truncates to float)
Sig(uint inlets, bool summing)
-construct with n inlets, summing
virtual void dsp()
-this is where a child class should implement it's dsp routine
virtual float out()
virtual float out(double in)
-these can be implemented to add dsp called by the user instead of being called by the library
void connect(Sig* child, uint inlet = 0)
-adds a child object to the Sig graph, disconnecting it from the root node,
and connect's a's output to b's input at a specified inlet.
void disconnect(Sig* child, uint inlet = 0)
-disconnects, and reconnects b to the root node if neccesary.
-these call external sig_connect/sig_disconect functions which also include
sig_connect(float* a, Sig* b, uint inlet = 0)
which will connect (or remove) any float* to an inlet.
void Call()
-this is calls dsp() and sumInputs() if summing, and is called by the dsp scheduler
virtual void bypass_summing(uint inlet = 0)
-this called by Connect/disconnect
void sumInputs()
--Here is an example of a Sig object, 2-inlet sum (like +~ in PD)
class Sum : public Sig{
Sum(double f = 0){
init(2); // 2 inlets
setVal(f, 1); // set default val to right inlet
void dsp(){
output = *inputs[0];
output += *inputs[1];
The base class for control objects is Ctl. Control messages have a simple structure currently and all message sources are polling to generate messages, so events and a different message protocol of some kind will be incorporated.
Msg struct:
--depending on protocals like midi, osc or fudi, and how parameters are parsed this will likely change.
struct Note{
unsigned short note;
uint8_t vel;
bool on;
short pitch;
union Val{
uint32_t _i;
float _f;
Note _n;
struct Msg{
Val* value;
uint num = 0;
uint index = 0;
uint8_t type = 0;
Msg m;
void msg_alloc(size_t num)
--this must be called to allocate space for the contents of a message
virtual void run(Msg _m)
virtual void run()
-these are the control equivalent of dsp() in Sig.
void copy_msg(Msg _m)
-copy the contents of an incoming message
virtual void onConnect(Ctl* child)
-optional onConnect callback
Sig objects are in soundlib_sig.h
and expr.h
, which is an audio expression parser (like pd's expr~) with the variables f0-f63 corresponding to it's inlets. Ctl objects are in soundlib_ctl.h
--Implement MIDI, events
--Implement proper scheduler
--Implement lanhuage/interpreter
--[expr...]->Obj like syntax
--delay objects
--integrate VST api