Built in February 2020. A Node.js + Puppeteer.js application to fetch as many valid email addresses from crawling web pages sources resulted from crawling search engines sources, according to specific and random search keys.
Clone the application to your computer. Steps to view the solution:
- Open server application on IDE (I use VSCode).
- In the terminal run: 'npm i'.
- In the terminal run: 'npm start'.
-Instructions & How to use:
- Go to the 'settings.js' file and make sure that all settings are fit to needs.
- Go to the 'list/searchKeys.list.js' file and make sure all search keys fit to needs.
- Go to the 'list/filterKeys.list.js' file and make sure all domains filtered are fit to needs.
- Make sure the Mongo database is installed and configured properly.
- Run the script by 'npm start' in the terminal and let the magic begin :).
In the terminal run: 'npm start'.
Happy testing! :).
You'll need to install VSCode, Node, and clone the application, and in the terminal run: 'npm i'.
Please read CONTRIBUTING.md for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.
We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
- Or Assayag - Initial work - orassayag
- Or Assayag orassayag@gmail.com
- GitHub: https://github.com/orassayag
- StackOverFlow: https://stackoverflow.com/users/4442606/or-assayag?tab=profile
- LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/in/orassayag
This application has an MIT license.