This is a minor release upgrade with the following fixes and features
Upgraded dbt-core to 1.3.2
Upgraded oracledb driver to 1.2.2 which fixes some bugs
Added support for specifying CTAS degree of parallelism in dbt model config as requested in #65
Added support for specifying table compression clause in dbt model config as requested in #65
Bug fix for affected row count. Removed cursor.commit() which resets the affected rowcount. commit() is called by dbt-core after fetching the affected rowcount. Rowcount works for Thin driver mode. For Thick driver mode and old cx mode, rowcount is always 0 and a bug is logged with the driver team.
Bug fix for using alias in dbt model config. dbt alias can be used as a work around for "Identifier too long" issue in older Oracle DB versions (11 for example). This was discussed in dbt labs Slack channel