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An event sourced, purely functional application platform.

Pallas is a backend platform that makes it easy to build and run p2p, distributed applications. It's like a Turing complete social network where messages can also be programs.

A basic web app demonstration leveraging an in-system HTTP server. All state is automatically persisted and computations can be paused and resumed.


  1. Introduction
  2. Features
  3. System Overview
  4. Example
  5. Installation
  6. Getting Started
  7. Contributing
  8. Caveats
  9. Additional Resources


Pallas is an event sourced, purely functional application platform, called an operating function. Every operation inside an operating function is ACID. Pallas communicates with the outside world through a small set of frozen hardware interfaces and manages internal processes through an Erlang-style actor model.

The platform ships with a minimal bootstrapping language called Sire, but includes an efficient axiomatic IR which can be targeted by mainstream functional languages.


Software is being destroyed by accidental complexity. Our most popular applications require hundreds or thousands of developers to build and maintain. This complexity benefits large corporations who use their dominant capital positions to monopolize and rent seek. This dynamic increases the cost of software, reduces the set of economically viable programs, and disempowers developers and users alike.

This is not an abstract moral problem. Software is the best tool we have for identifying, organizing, and solving societal issues. Instability in software trickles down to every other domain of human activity.


More composable software systems directly result in more software freedom. The more power individual developers wield, the more that power is widely distributed. This is true even if "scrolling through silos" is the highest state of computing.

To increase developer power and software freedom, your entire computer needs to be inspectable and understandable. It should be composable and made of highly generic, unopinionated, easily understood, reusable building blocks. These properties need to be stable regardless of underlying hardware changes and should guarantee a high degree of backward and forward compatibility.


  • No database code

    • All application data is automatically persisted, without the need for imports or boilerplate. To create a database, you write a pure transition function.
  • Serialize anything, running programs included

    • Closures can be serialized and stored on-disk, or sent over the wire. Programs in mid-execution can be paused, moved to a new machine, and resumed with no impact. Open syscalls are included in persisted state and are resumed on reboot.
  • Parallelism with deterministic replay

    • Results from spawned processes, IO, and runtime evaluated expressions are recorded as events using an event-log-and-snapshot model. On replay, terminated events are recomputed with perfect determinism.
  • Global referentially-transparent content store

    • Data and code is deduplicated, merkleized, and stored in content-addressable memory pages. This creates a global referentially-transparent content store, which is naturally complemented by protocols like BitTorrent.
  • Native networking and identity

    • VMs and spawned processes are identified by one or more cryptographic keys. The networking protocol is stateless and guarantees at-least-once-delivery.
  • Formally specified system calls

    • Software breaks at boundaries, so syscalls are specified as pure functions and their spec is designed to be frozen. As long as the spec is satisfied, runtimes can change implementations without impacting internal software.
  • Extensible language platform

    • Metaprogramming capabilities include hot reload, zero-overhead virtualization, macro-based type systems, all the way up to custom compilers.

System Overview

Pallas collapses the distinction between runtime, database, and operating system. The foundation of Pallas is untyped, but conceptually we can say that a Pallas process is a database of type:

type DB = Input -> (Output, DB)

If a user supplies such a function, the Pallas runtime will create a database using a snapshot-and-event-log system. The user can write their programs as if they were keeping their data "in memory", without any need for manual persistence or other forms of cache management.

The recursive part of the type above might seem strange. You can think of it almost as a normal stateful function:

type OtherDB = (State, Input) -> (State, Output)

The difference is that instead of changing the state value, the recursive version would change itself. The current version of the function is the state. In other words: programs can upgrade themselves dynamically. Code can construct code. Because of this, we can put an entire compiler toolchain inside the system and the programs it generates have zero dependencies on the outside world.


Sire is the default programming language of Pallas. It is an applicative, functional language. A Pallas machine consists of a set of persistent processes known as Cogs.

This code is for a simple counter cog that gets the time and increments a value. Counter state is persisted through cog restarts.

The documentation covers the language more fully.

#### demo_count_up <- prelude

:| prelude

;;; Count Up ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

= (countLoop count k)
| trk [{counter is at} count]
| syscall TIME_WHEN
& now
: _ < syscall (TIME_WAIT (inc now))
| countLoop (inc count) k

= (main)
| runCog (countLoop 0)

;;; Example output:
;;; ++ [%trk {2024-08-02T17:05:48.468929096Z}]
;;; ++ [{counter is at} 1]
;;; ++ [%trk {2024-08-02T17:05:49.470040565Z}]
;;; ++ [{counter is at} 2]
;;; ++ [%trk {2024-08-02T17:05:50.471186301Z}]
;;; ++ [{counter is at} 3]


#### demo_count_up <- prelude

Inline 'prelude' before 'demo_count_up'.

:| prelude

Import 'prelude.sire'.

= (countLoop count k)

= declares a top level binding. The function named countLoop takes a 'count' parameter (and a 'k' parameter that we don't need to worry about now).

| trk [{counter is at} count]

Print out the current count to the console with the trk (track) function from the standard library. The bar | is function application. It says "apply the function trk to the arguments after it."

trk is a function that takes two arguments:

  • the message to log to the terminal and
  • a value that it will simply return (often the rest of the program)

| syscall TIME_WHEN
& now

Next, we want to do a clock system call for the current time. The syscall function takes two arguments:

  • a request type of TIME_WHEN ("give me the current system time" in this case).
  • a continuation to use when the syscall completes.

The system call might take a while to complete, but when it does, we'll be woken up and the result of the call will be passed as an argument to the continuation function that was provided to syscall. We use & to define the continuation function as a lambda. The lambda takes one argument called now, which will be bound to the result of the TIME_WHEN call.

Pallas syscalls are not like those found in GNU C. Each syscall and response is mapped in an array managed by a small internal micro-kernel. The Pallas runtime is responsible for actually interacting with the external system.

: resultOfTimeWait < syscall (TIME_WAIT (inc now))

Now we want to wait 1 second. We'll use this opportunity to show an alternative style that you'll come across often in Pallas code.

We're going to use the TIME_WAIT syscall. TIME_WAIT itself takes a single argument - when to stop waiting. We want to wait 1 second, which is the current time plus 1. At this point we are in the body of the continuation and have now in scope. The inc function takes a value and returns the result of adding 1 to it. inc is applied to now by wrapping both in parentheses.

Also note that rather than using the & anonymous lambda style, we're now using the col macro, : ("col" as in colon).

On the right side of the < we're doing the syscall and the result of that call gets bound to resultOfTimeWait. As with the previous syscall, the next argument is a continuation, which again, is the rest of the code below the col macro.

The col macro is a method of writing continuation-passing style in a way that feels like assignment. It feels as if syscall returns resultOfTimeWait which can be used in the remainder of the body. Col macro-expands into the same code as the & version above.

Our goal with TIME_WAIT was just to wait 1 second. We don't actually use the "result" of the TIME_WAIT syscall (bound to resultOfTimeWait). In this case, we could also have bound it to _ to denote this.

| countLoop (inc count) k

After waiting 1 second, we recur and pass an incremented value for count.

= (main)
| runCog (countLoop 0)

Finally, we'll start a process that will be responsible for running this function and handling any threads or syscalls that are involved. These processes are called "cogs" and are initiated with the runCog function.

We bind a top-level main function that will call runCog. When we pass countLoop to runCog as its "job", we also need to provide the starting count of zero.


You have two options: build a dev environment using Nix, or clone the repo and install a binary. The binary is supplied for convenience only and still requires the source code in order to function.

Install with Binary (Ubuntu/Debian-based and MacOS)

  1. Install dependencies:
    • libgmp (GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic Library)
    • liblmdb (Lightning Memory-Mapped Database)
    • libz (zlib compression library)

On Ubuntu or Debian-based systems:

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y \
    libgmp10 \
    liblmdb0 \

On MacOS:

brew install gmp lmdb zlib
  1. Download a prebuilt binary

Your browser may not prompt to download these files, in which case you can use cURL:

curl -L <URL of your choice here> -o pallas

Make it executable and move it somewhere on your path.

  1. Run it:

If all went well, you should see this:

$ pallas

Run a Pallas machine

Usage: pallas COMMAND


Available options:
  -h,--help                Show this help text

Available commands:
  sire                     Run a standalone Sire repl.
  save                     Load a sire file and save a seed.
  show                     Print a seed file.
  repl                     Interact with a seed file.
  start                    Resume an idle machine.
  boot                     Boot a machine.

Install as a Development Environment

Using Nix is the most straightforward way to install Pallas at this time. If your system doesn't support Nix or if you need further instruction (including instructions for Docker), refer to the documentation.

  1. Clone this repo. Navigate to the root of it.
git clone
cd pallas
  1. Get into a Nix shell
nix develop
  1. Build pallas

This will take some time. Perhaps upwards of 15 minutes, depending on your system.

stack build
  1. Confirm everything is working:
$ stack run pallas

Run a Pallas machine

Usage: pallas COMMAND


Available options:
  -h,--help                Show this help text

Available commands:
  sire                     Run a standalone Sire repl.
  save                     Load a sire file and save a seed.
  show                     Print a seed file.
  repl                     Interact with a seed file.
  start                    Resume an idle machine.
  boot                     Boot a machine.

Getting Started

Navigate to the root of this repository and run the commands below to see a simple demonstration of running a Pallas machine.

(The following demo uses /tmp as the location on the host filesystem to create a directory named counter to hold the event log of the machine. Feel free to use a different directory if you'd like.)

pallas boot /tmp/counter sire/demo_count_up.sire
pallas start /tmp/counter

Take note of the final counter value and then Ctrl-C to kill the machine.

++ [%trk {2020-09-21T10:15:00.729241178Z}]
++ [{counter is at}=7]

Now run pallas start /tmp/counter again. The counter picks up where it left off. You'll notice that there is no explicit saving or writing to disk or a database. You get persistence for free by writing application code.

(For more on how Pallas machines work, see the documentation).


At this stage in Pallas development, these are the types of contributions that are most appropriate:

  • Bugs in the existing examples
  • New examples
  • Documentation improvements
  • Technical questions or requests for clarification

That said, we encourage you to dive even deeper and submit PRs beyond these suggestions.


Pallas is still considered to be a prototype implementation, though some core features are close to done. It currently requires an underlying OS and file system, but has been designed such that these dependencies can eventually be removed.

Planned, but incomplete features:

  • Sire improvements - in progress
    • Pallas supports macro-based type systems. There is a Hindley–Milner implementation that is ~80% complete that needs to be finished before serious applications are produced.
    • Automatic module linearization will significantly improve LLM integration and reduce onboarding challenges.
    • Add Sire macros for richer namespacing.
  • Capability-based process security model - in progress
    • Cogs are designed to run hierarchically with a token, or capability-based, security model. The cog development model is under active development, but capabilities have not yet been added.
  • Native networking - not started
    • Native networking is the least complete core feature. There are designs for a basic implementation using TCP, but more sophisticated approaches are possible.
  • Scalable runtime - not started
    • The existing Haskell runtime is considered adequate for prototyping and hobbyists in the near term, but cannot scale to our required terabytes of data. The runtime will need to be rewritten in a systems language like C, Rust, or Zig.

Additional Resources

This project is a fork of Plunder.