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How to run OMZ demos

Aleksandr Voron edited this page Dec 9, 2021 · 4 revisions

You could verify IE ARM CPU plugin by running OMZ demos. If ARM CPU plugin is built using pre-configured Dokerfiles with enabled WITH_OMZ_DEMO then you may find compiled C++ OMZ demos at <INSTALL_DIR>/extras/open_model_zoo/demos/Release. Otherwise, you need to build OMZ demos on ARM platform.

Build OMZ demos

  1. Run the script to set all necessary environment variables:
source <INSTALL_DIR>/
  1. Clone OMZ repository:
git clone --recurse-submodules --single-branch --branch=master
  1. Go to open_model_zoo\demos directory and run the script:

Once the build is completed, you can find sample binaries in ~/omz_demos_build/aarch64/Release

Run OMZ demos

Before running compiled binary files, make sure your application can find the Inference Engine and OpenCV libraries. Run the script to set all necessary environment variables:

source <INSTALL_DIR>/

NOTE: The OpenVINO environment variables are removed when you close the shell. As an option, you can permanently set the environment variables by adding the command source <INSTALL_DIR>/ to the file ~/.bashrc.

You are ready to run OMZ demos. Each demo application supports -h flag which prints help message and usage examples. To run OMZ demos you may use videos and photos from here and here.

NOTE: Python OMZ demo applications could be run as well as C++ applications on Linux only. Python applications depend on scipy module which can't be installed on Apple M1 so far: scipy#13409.