Releases: opensourcegamedev/SpaceChaos
Version 1.2.0 - The Final Release
Final Release of SpaceChaos
We are very proud to announce our new final release of SpaceChaos! :)
Because this is the final release, we dont work on this game actively anymore (except biannual small content updates).
We are going to the next new game, we are working on. Be surprised! :D
This sprint included many, many changes. We cannot list all of them here. But we have changed many things and added a few new features. Also we have improved AI and Game Balancing a lot!
If you have suggestions, please create an issue or write an mail to marketing [at]! Thanks a lot!
- Balance game mechanics a lot! The game is easier now and makes more fun! :)
- improved AI concept
- added new shuttle type
- added new powerups (items): torpedo powerups, shield effect power ups
- implemented a highscore
- improved game over screen
- increased maximum amount of torpedos
- decrease cooldown timer for torpedos
- Bugfix: If an enemy collides with player, it will get damage too
- the player cannot hide behind powerups anymore
- introduced a new score list
- Improved shield effect game mechanics
- decreased file size (from 400MB to 82MB, removed unneccessary assets)
- some graphics improvements
Credits & Acknowledgments
We thank all our supporters, game testers and the team! We could not do that without them!
Thanks a lot! As the projekt leader of this team (JuKu), i am very proud of this team! If i through back to the beginnings of this SpaceChaos projects we started as an little team, founded from a little forum post at, where originally some unexperienced and later also experienced developers wanted to create their first game. I have seen this post and as an more experienced developer i created this project to learn also unexperienced developers game development. After a while also some other experienced developers joined the team. And today their aren't any unexperienced developers in our team anymore! They have learned so much, that they are more experienced now. This was the originally goal of this project and we have reached this goal! And i am very proud of this game which we have created together!
So, enough jabbering now.
Credit List:
- Justin Künzel ( Project Management (Project Lead), Programming
- damios: Programming
- Constantin Schulte (SupressWarnings): Community- and Marketing-Management, Programming, Graphics
- Adrian Buch: Programming
- Paul Funk: Graphics
- Cromewell ((dogemagni): Programming
- Javanewbie: Programming, Graphics
- Markus Dohrmann: Programming
- Lars: Web Design
- cain
- flown
- gab92
- luggioh
Special thanks (for great and fast help & tips):
- code-disaster (, libGDX)
- badlogic (libGDX maintainer)
- Christoph Engelbert (noctarius)
- libGDX team
Asset Credits
See file for asset credits!
Version 1.0.2 Third Alpha Release
Third Alpha of SpaceChaos
Sry, we was very late in this sprint, but we are proud to announce our new release now.
This release is also in alpha channel, but the next release is planned as an beta.
- we have implemented Health Packs now, so player can increase his HP, if he collects health packs in game
- Score is now shown on game over screen
- Bugfix: The game was hanging up, this is fixed now
- Bugfix: An NullPointerException isnt thrown anymore
- we have reduced the number of meteorits for better gameplay & balancing
- improved design & menu of game over
- we have introduced an player shield
Team Credits
- Justin Künzel: Project-Management, Programming
- Cromewell: Programming
- Constantin Schulte: Community- and Marketing-Management, Programming, Graphics
- Javanewbie: Programming, Graphics
- Paul Funk: Graphics
- damios: Programming
- Adrian Buch: Programming, AI Design
Asset Credits
See file for asset credits!
Version 1.0.1, Second Alpha Release
Second Pre-Alpha of SpaceChaos
We are very proud to show you our newest version of SpaceChaos - the second alpha of this game.
We have switched from pre-alpha channel to alpha channel, because SpaceChaos is more stable now.
- improved shuttle & meteor spawner
- torpedos are now limited
- torpedos now have a cooldown timer
- some fixes on gameplay, for example you cannot stay in meteorites anymore to be protected
- if you shoot a torpedo, a sound will be played
- added menu selection sound
- introduced new score system
- Important Bugfix: In earlier versions you couldn't use the user interface, if you resized the window or used full screen mode. This bug is now fixed.
- credits screen and
- simple load screen introduced
- improved HUD screen
Team Credits
- Justin Künzel: Project-Management, Programming
- Cromewell: Programming
- Constantin Schulte: Community- and Marketing-Management, Programming, Graphics
- Javanewbie: Programming, Graphics
- Paul Funk: Graphics
- damios: Programming
Asset Credits
See file for asset credits!
Version 1.0.0, Pre-Alpha Release
The first pre-alpha release of SpaceChaos.
How to play:
Just try not to collide with anything - neither enemy nor meteorite. Survive as long as possible by shooting them with Space key or the left / right mouse.
But be careful: You have little time after destroying all your enemies, new ones are arriving soon!
Technical Details:
We're using Java and LibGDX to create our game.
GitHub is the used VC-System and for team communication we use Slack.
Team Credits:
Justin Künzel: Communication-Management, Project-Management, Programming
Cromewell: Programming
Constantin Schulte: Community- and Marketing-Management, Programming, Graphics
Javanewbie: Programming, Graphics
Paul Funk: Graphics
damios: Programming
Asset Credits:
See file for asset credits!
Feedback & Bugtracking
As this is the very first release of our game we would like to hear your opinion about it. What can we improve about the mechanics? What could be done better in the UI? Which features would you like to see in this game? Feel free to create as many issues as you want, or send us an email to
As we can't play all the time, it would be very kind if you could report every single bug you find.