minor theme modifications for using fasto on open-mind-culture.org
- optional MyFontsWebfontsKit NOT free to use!
- (TODO fix
and remove action unloading obsolete web fonts from google; workaround: deactivate enqueuing in parent theme)
The optional web fonts, Healthy Freak by Oleg Voznyy, and Liebe Ruth by Ulrike Rausch have been purchased by Ingo Steinke via MyFonts.com (Order # M12889860, Webfont Build ID 4424710).
While wp-fasto-child-theme is distributed under the GPL license,the optional MyFontsWebfontsKit is not covered by the GPL and may not be used on other websites without a valid license.
This is not a free them because of the included licensed fonts! If you want to use it, please fork your own version and replace them!
- create or download a zip archive of the directory
- open WordPress administration (usually
) - open themes page
- add theme by uploading zip file
- activate theme
docker-compose up
Wait until WordPress and themes have been installed, then you should see something like
local-wp-cli | Success: Installed 1 of 1 themes. local-wp-cli exited with code 0
Open wp-admin
in your browser:
Log in with user admin
and password secret
Go to Appearance -> Themes.
- Install WordPress
wp core install
--title="Local Wordpress By Docker"
- Install themes
either use the CLI
wp theme install --activate fasto;
- checkout the original fasto theme as parent theme into
(download from WordPress plugin page or, withsubversion
cd wordpress/themes
svn co https://themes.svn.wordpress.org/fasto/1.5.6/ fasto
- mount the themes folder into a local WordPress docker container
Inside your WordPress docker container, you can use wp-cli ...
docker-compose run --rm cli bash
cd /var/www/html/
... to install any plugin like, for example, Yoast SEO:
./wp-cli.phar plugin install wordpress-seo # Yoast SEO
Create or copy relevant content e.g.footer widgets, more articles etc.