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Answers from the Singapore Government

Tech Stack


  • Front-end Framework: React
  • Styling: SASS switching to Chakra UI


  • For handling server requests: Node.js with Express.js Framework
  • Database: MySQL


Node, NPM




Optionally VSCode with extension ESLint

Optionally DBeaver to view database with GUI


  • Make a copy of .env.example and name it .env

  • Hook direnv onto your appropriate shell. Load the environment variables:

    direnv allow .
  • Install and audit node dependencies

    npm install
    npm run audit-dep
  • Spin up docker containers (this will create the askgov database):

    docker-compose up
  • Create tables in database:

    npm run seq-cli db:migrate
  • Seed the database with a sample dataset:

    npm run seq-cli db:seed:all
  • Run search_entries index backfill script for OpenSearch integration:

    cd server/src/bootstrap && npx ts-node search-backfill-trigger.ts
  • To verify that the search_entries index has been successfully built, run curl -HEAD 'https://localhost:9200/search_entries' --insecure -u 'admin:admin'

  • Optional: Use Dbeaver to connect to the local MySQL server at, using the username and password in .env

  • Check that your Database ER Diagram looks like this:


  • Stop docker compose (npm run dev will spin it up again):
docker-compose stop

Running in Development

  • Start running frontend, backend, maildev, localstack and mysql simultaneously (requires Docker)

    npm run dev

    Alternatively, to run individually:

    # for supporting services
    docker-compose up
    # for backend server only
    npm run build-shared && npm run server
    # for frontend server only
    npm run client

    Frontend server accessible on localhost:3000

    Backend server accessible on localhost:6174/api/v1

    Local mail server MailDev accessible on localhost:1080

  • Default home page is not authorised. To become authorised user, login via localhost:3000/login, enter Then go to the mail server to obtain the OTP

  • To view UI components on storybook (accessible on localhost:6006): npm run storybook

Common Problems

SQL Related

  • Password Auth Error

    Ensure .env is correct and check it is sourced by either direnv or do

    source .env
  • Public Key Retrieval Not Allowed

    Change allowPublicKeyRetrieval=true on DBeaver

  • Client does not support authentication protocol requested by server; consider upgrading MySQL client

    Execute the following query in your database GUI

    ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY 'password'

    Where root as your user, localhost as your URL and password as your password

    Then run this query to refresh privileges:

    flush privileges;

    Try connecting using node after you do so.

    If that doesn't work, try it without @'localhost' part.

Node.js Related

  • Error: error:0308010C:digital envelope routines::unsupported

    Try using Node.js 16.

OpenSearch Related

  • If you need to delete search_entries index, run curl -XDELETE 'https://localhost:9200/search_entries' --insecure -u 'admin:admin'

SQLite-related error during npm i

npm ERR! command failed
npm ERR! command sh -c node-pre-gyp install --fallback-to-build
npm ERR! CC(target) Release/
npm ERR!   LIBTOOL-STATIC Release/nothing.a
npm ERR!   ACTION deps_sqlite3_gyp_action_before_build_target_unpack_sqlite_dep Release/obj/gen/sqlite-autoconf-3340000/sqlite3.c
npm ERR! Failed to execute 
  • SQLite error during npm i. Since macOS 12.3, python2 is not supported anymore but the bundled sqlite3 tar file contains calls to a hardcoded python command. Simplest fix is to run: npm config set python python3.

API Endpoints

Base Url - http://localhost:6174/api/v1


  • GET /agencies?<longname, shortname>
  • GET /agencies/:agencyId


  • GET /auth
  • POST /auth/verifyotp
  • POST /auth/sendotp
  • POST /auth/logout


  • POST /users/:id
  • GET /users/:id


  • GET /posts
  • GET /posts/top
  • GET /posts/tag/:tagname
  • GET /posts/:id
  • POST /posts/
  • DELETE /posts/:id


  • GET /posts/answers/:id
  • POST /posts/answers/:id
  • PUT /posts/answers/:id
  • DELETE /posts/answers/:id


  • GET /tags
  • GET /tags/user
  • GET /tags/agency/:agencyId
  • GET /tags/:tagname