Django app for fetching and verifying tags/skills for video and vertical/unit XBlocks. It implements two openedx_filters pipelines to inject a form into the end unit XBlocks and video XBlocks.

More information about the XBlock skill tagging design can be found in this ADR.
To install skill_tagging
in edx-platform, run
pip install skill_tagging # to install a development version locally in devstack # clone this repo in `<devstack_base_dir>/src` directory and run pip install -e /edx/src/xblock-skill-tagging
This repo depends on discovery service for fetching skills/tags for a given
XBlock which depends on taxonomy-connector plugin for generating and serving these
tags. Setup taxonomy-connector
plugin in course-discovery by installing it
via pip:
pip install taxonomy-connector # to install a development version locally in devstack # clone this repo in `<devstack_base_dir>/src` directory and run pip install -e /edx/src/taxonomy_connector
Whenever a user verifies tags/skills for an XBlock, skill_tagging
emits an
openedx_event called XBLOCK_SKILL_VERIFIED
. This event needs to be consumed
by course discovery to make sure that the verification count is incremented for
that skill/tag.
To produce and consume this event, setup an implementation of event bus
like event_bus_kafka or event_bus_redis. How to start using the Event Bus
has detailed information on setting up event bus. The host would be
while course-discovery
will be the consumer for the event
Add following configuration values to the host django settings, i.e. LMS
settings: lms/envs/
from .common import XBLOCK_MIXINS
# Below mixin adds the ability to fetch skills/tags from discovery and update them.
XBLOCK_MIXINS += ('skill_tagging.skill_tagging_mixin.SkillTaggingMixin',)
# Set below url to point to discovery service.
# Configure the maximum number skills/tags to display in the form for a given xblock.
# Copy this as is, this configures the required openedx_filters.
"org.openedx.learning.vertical_block.render.completed.v1": {
"fail_silently": False,
"pipeline": [
"org.openedx.learning.vertical_block_child.render.started.v1": {
"fail_silently": False,
"pipeline": [
# helps to configure probability of displaying the verification forms. Values in range 0 to 1 are allowed, where 0
# means never and 1 means always display. Default value is 0.5 i.e. 50% chance of displaying the form.
# Optionally update topic name for verification event emitted when a user verifies tags for an xblock.
EVENT_BUS_XBLOCK_VERIFICATION_TOPIC = "learning-custom-xblock-skill-verfied"
# Clone the repository git clone cd xblock-skill-tagging # Set up a virtualenv using virtualenvwrapper with the same name as the repo and activate it mkvirtualenv -p python3.12 xblock-skill-tagging
# Activate the virtualenv workon xblock-skill-tagging # Grab the latest code git checkout main git pull # Install/update the dev requirements make requirements # Run the tests and quality checks (to verify the status before you make any changes) make validate # Make a new branch for your changes git checkout -b <your_github_username>/<short_description> # Using your favorite editor, edit the code to make your change. vim ... # Run your new tests pytest ./path/to/new/tests # Run all the tests and quality checks make validate # Commit all your changes git commit ... git push # Open a PR and ask for review.
This package is automatically published to pypi whenever a new tag is pushed to the repository.
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