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gena edited this page Oct 9, 2017 · 5 revisions

Existing tools and data:

Where will the tools be used?

  • FEWS Accelerator (Mark van Dijk) Where are Excel macros and executables - migrate to GitHub or SVN? n:\Deltabox\Postbox\Dijk,van Marc@LASTMONTH\FEWS Accelerator\
  • WFlow DSD workshop/tutorials (Corine ten Velden)
  • Multi-resolution modeling SO project (Hessel Winsemius)
  • ... projects

Requirements for Hydro Engine (API, RESTfull service):

  • Raw data: geometry (catchments + rivers)
  • Query rivers and catchments for a given point or region geometry
  • Download the following model variables (grids): DEM, landuse, soil type, soil parameters - check 3-clicks scripts and migrate grids to GEE if possible. Describe API calls with examples showing how to query these data.

Model generation options:

  1. Generate model from scratch, use local WTools to delineate LDD, rivers, compute percentile lookup tables, etc.
  2. Query pre-generated model input data via API and generate WFlow model input (or other model input)


  • Migrate WTools to WFlow repository?
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