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Open Data Mesh Observer Blindata

Observer adapter for

Blindata is a SaaS platform that leverages Data Governance and Compliance to empower your Data Management projects. The purpose of this adapter is to keep the data catalog within Blindata constantly updated. Upon the occurrence of a creation, deletion, or modification of a dataproduct, Blindata is immediately and automatically notified to ensure that its catalog remains aligned.


Event Handling

The observer adapter for Blindata is designed to react to Notification Events that are emitted by the Open Data Mesh Product Platform.

The observer can subscribe to notification events whit two level of granularity:

  1. The event type. This can be:
  2. The event content using a SpeL expression. E.g. An expression to capture an event regarding a data product ( match done by its fullyQualifiedName ).
    #root['afterState']['info']['fullyQualifiedName'] == 'urn:org.opendatamesh:dataproducts:hrs:users'
       "id": "",
       "type": "",
       "entityId": "",
       "beforeState": {},
       "afterState": {
         //data product descriptor here
       "time": ""

P.A. its is always mandatory to specify the event type.

For every subscription it is possible to specify a set of actions that the observer will perform. These are:

  1. DATA_PRODUCT_UPLOAD. It uploads the main information of the data product to Blindata and assigns ownership responsibilities to the designated user.
    • Supported event types:
  2. DATA_PRODUCT_VERSION_UPLOAD. It uploads the data product's ports metadata along with the assets specified in the descriptor api definitions.
    • Supported event types:
  3. STAGES_UPLOAD. It uploads the data product's stages which are defined inside the lifecycleInfo of the descriptor.
    • Supported event types:
  4. DATA_PRODUCT_REMOVAL. It removes the data product from Blindata.
    • Supported event types:
  5. POLICIES_UPLOAD. It gathers all policy evaluation results for the specified data product and uploads them to Blindata.
    • Supported event types:


The configuration can be written in the application.yml or passed as an argument at startup. An example of a configuration can be:

  eventHandlers: "[
        \"eventType\": \"DATA_PRODUCT_VERSION_CREATED\",
        \"filter\":  \"\",
        \"activeUseCases\": [
        \"eventType\": \"DATA_PRODUCT_VERSION_DELETED\",
        \"filter\": \"\",
        \"activeUseCases\": [
        \"eventType\": \"DATA_PRODUCT_ACTIVITY_COMPLETED\",
        \"filter\": \"\",
        \"activeUseCases\": [

P.A. Actions are automatically ordered based on the correct sequence of execution.

Data Product Validation

The Observer includes a feature that automatically generates a Policy within the Policy Service, which is evaluated before creating a DataProduct or DataProductVersion.

In the configuration, the policy can be set to blocking, ensuring that the data product is created only if it meets compliance requirements. It verifies that the data product contains all necessary elements required by Blindata and can be uploaded without issues.

Below is an example configuration:

    active: true
      name: <policy engine name>
      name: <policy name>
      blocking: true (or false)

Mapping data product descriptor into Blindata

Given a descriptor, the following elements are created in Blindata:

  • Systems
  • Physical Entities
  • Physical Fields

This mapping ensures that all data structures and their components are accurately represented and can be monitored or managed within Blindata, providing a seamless integration between the descriptor and the Blindata environment.


The 'platform' field within the 'promises' field of the port in the descriptor is used to extract the name and system technology of the system to be created in Blindata.

Data product descriptor field Blindata Field Mandatory
promises.platform -

To extract the name and technology for association, two regular expressions must be defined within the Blindata configurations, as shown below.

  systemNameRegex: optional regex to extract system name from schema (value optional)
  systemTechnologyRegex: optional regex to extract system technology from schema (value optional)

General Schema Annotations

General schema annotations can be used to enrich schemas declarations with additional metadata information. These annotations are independent form specifications and schema formats and are used to improve the understanding and usability of data structures.


Entities annotations help to describe the general characteristics and metadata of a data structure. In the table below there's a list of annotations each one have a detailed description, its requirement status, and support for JSONSchema and Avro.

Property Required Description JSONSchema Supported Avro Supported
id No The identifier of the schema item. - -
name No The name of the item. ✔️ -
kind No The entity structure archetype (e.g., tabular, event, etc.). ✔️ -
displayName No The human-readable name of the item. It should be used by frontend tools to visualize the data item's name instead of the name property. ✔️ -
summary No A brief summary of the item. ✔️ -
description No The item description. CommonMark syntax may be used for rich text representation. ✔️ -
physicalType No For entities: TABLE, VIEW, etc. ✔️ -
comments No The comment annotation for adding comments to a schema. Its value must always be a string. ✔️ -
examples No An array of examples for the item. ✔️ -
status No The status of the item. Possible values include testing, production, or staging. ✔️ -
tags No A set of tags for categorizing the entity. ✔️ -
externalDocs No An array of links to reference external documentation. ✔️ -
owner No The owner of the entity schema. If the schema is not shared, it is the owner of the data product that defines the schema. ✔️ -
domain No The domain to which the entity described by the schema belongs. ✔️ -
contactPoints No A collection of contact information for the given entity schema. ✔️ -
identifier No An array of the entity's fields that compose its identifier (PK). ✔️ -
unique No Indicates if the entity's identifier is unique. ✔️ -


Fields annotations help to describe the general characteristics and metadata of a data structure. In the table below there's a list of annotations each one have a detailed description, its requirement status, and support for JSONSchema and Avro.

Property Required Description JSONSchema Supported Avro Supported
id No The identifier of the schema item. - -
name No The name of the item. ✔️ -
kind No The field structure archetype (e.g., attribute, measure, etc.). ✔️ -
required No Specifies if a field is required. ✔️ -
displayName No The human-readable name of the item. It should be used by frontend tools to visualize the data item's name instead of the name property. ✔️ -
summary No A brief summary of the item. ✔️ -
description No The item description. CommonMark syntax may be used for rich text representation. ✔️ -
physicalType No The physical type of the field (e.g., VARCHAR, TINYINT, etc.). ✔️ -
comments No The comment annotation for adding comments to a schema. Its value must always be a string. ✔️ -
examples No An array of examples for the item. ✔️ -
status No The status of the item. Possible values include testing, production, or staging. ✔️ -
tags No A set of tags for categorizing the field. ✔️ -
externalDocs No An array of links to reference external documentation. ✔️ -
default No The default value of the field, if any. ✔️ -
partitionStatus No Indicates if the column is partitioned; possible values are true and false. ✔️ -
partitionKeyPosition No The position of the partition column if the column is used for partitioning. Starts from 1. ✔️ -
clusterStatus No Indicates if the column is clustered; possible values are true and false. ✔️ -
clusterKeyPosition No The position of the cluster column if the column is used for clustering. ✔️ -
readOnly No Indicates that a value should not be modified. ✔️ -
writeOnly No Indicates that a value may be set, but will remain hidden. ✔️ -
isClassified No Indicates if the field is classified. ✔️ -
classificationLevel No The classification level of the field. ✔️ -
isUnique No Indicates if the field value is unique. ✔️ -
isNullable No Indicates if the field can be null. ✔️ -
pattern No A regular expression to restrict a string field. ✔️ -
format No Allows for basic syntactic identification of certain kinds of string values (e.g., email, hostname, uuid, etc.). ✔️ -
enum No Restricts the value of a field to a fixed set of values. It must be an array with at least one element, where each element is unique. ✔️ -
minLength No Constrains the minimum length of a string field. ✔️ -
maxLength No Constrains the maximum length of a string field. ✔️ -
contentEncoding No The content encoding of the field. ✔️ -
contentMediaType No The content media type of the field. ✔️ -
precision No The precision of a numeric field. ✔️ -
scale No The scale of a numeric field. ✔️ -
encoding No The encoding type of the field. ✔️ -
minimum No The minimum value of a numeric field. ✔️ -
exclusiveMinimum No Specifies if the minimum value is exclusive. ✔️ -
maximum No The maximum value of a numeric field. ✔️ -
exclusiveMaximum No Specifies if the maximum value is exclusive. ✔️ -

Promises.Api.Definition: Specifications mapping in Blindata

The observer supports the use of two specifications: Datastore API and Async API. For Datastore API, the supported format for declaring entities is the Standard Definition Object. For Async API the supported schema formats for the message payload are AVRO and JSON SCHEMA.

Data Store Api

The Data Store API Specification (DSAS) defines a standard, language-agnostic interface to a Data API which allows both humans and computers to understand how to establish a connection and query a database service managing tabular data without access to source code, documentation, or through network traffic inspection. When properly defined, a consumer can understand and interact with the remote database service with a minimal amount of implementation logic.

Other information about Data Store API is available here: Data Store API Specification

To map tables and columns in Blindata use the schema field inside Data Store Api Entity, as shown in the example below:

  "datastoreapi": ...,
  "info": ...,
  "services": ...,
  "schema": {
    "databaseName": "name of the database",
    "databaseSchemaName": "schema of the database",
    "tables": [
        "id": "identifier",
        "name": "name",
        "version": "1.0.0",
        "description": "description",
        "specification": "json-schema",
        "specificationVersion": "1",
        "externalDocs": "docs",
        "definition": {
From JSONSchema to Physical Entities

This section describes the mapping of schema annotations to physical entity properties within the system. Physical entities represent the main data structures, such as tables or views, in the data store.

Physical entities are mapped within the "definition" property inside the "tables" array in the "schema".

Schema Annotation Physical Entity Property Description Mandatory
schema.tables[n] name The name of the physical entity. ✔️
schema.tables[n].definition.physicalType tableType Specifies the type of the table (e.g., TABLE, VIEW). -
schematables[n].definition.description description A detailed description of the physical entity. -
schema.tables[n].definition.status add.prop The current status of the physical entity (e.g., active, inactive). -
schema.tables[n].definition.tags add.prop Tags for categorizing the physical entity. -
schema.tables[n].definition.domain add.prop The domain to which the physical entity belongs. -
schema.tables[n].definition.contactPoints add.prop Contact information for the physical entity. -
schema.tables[n].definition.scope add.prop The scope of the physical entity within the system. -
schema.tables[n].definition.externalDocs add.prop Links to external documentation related to the physical entity. -

From JSONSchema to Physical Field

This section details the mapping of schema annotations to physical field properties. Physical fields represent the individual attributes or columns within a physical entity, providing specific data points within the entity. Physical fields are mapped from "properties" field inside each entity definition.

Schema Annotation Physical Field Property Description Mandatory
schema.tables[n]<key>.name name Object name ✔️
schema.tables[n]<key>.physicalType type Physical type of the object -
schema.tables[n]<key>.comments description Additional comments about the object -
schema.tables[n]<key>.kind add.prop Object type (e.g., TABULAR) -
schema.tables[n]<key>.status add.prop Object status (e.g., TESTING) -
schema.tables[n]<key>.tags add.prop Tags associated with the object -
schema.tables[n]<key>.owner add.prop Owner of the object -
schema.tables[n]<key>.domain add.prop Domain to which the object belongs -
schema.tables[n]<key>.contactpoints add.prop Contact points related to the object -
schema.tables[n]<key>.scope add.prop Scope of the object (e.g., private) -
schema.tables[n]<key>.version add.prop Version of the object -
schema.tables[n]<key>.displayName add.prop Human readable name of the object -
schema.tables[n]<key>.description add.prop Description of the object -


The supported version are 2.x.x and 3.x.x. Each channel declared inside the specification is mapped into a Physical Entity as follows.

Specification field Physical Entity Property Mandatory Default Value name ✔️ -
channel tableType - TOPIC
channel.description description - -
channel.servers add.prop - -
channel.parameters add.prop - -
channel.tags add.prop - -
channel.externalDocs add.prop - -
channel.summary add.prop - -
channel.address add.prop - -

Each message with its payload schema is mapped into a set of Physical Fields, each one associated to the Physical Entity that represents the channel.

The message payload schema can be defined in different formats and encoding. The supported ones are: vnd.apache.avro and schema+json.

From Avro to Physical Fields

When a message payload schema is defined in vnd.apache.avro format, the message with its content is mapped as follows.

Specification field Physical Field Property
[..].payload.schema.fields.[..].name name
[..].payload.schema.fields.[..].type type
The position in the fields array ordinalPosition
From Json Schema to Physical Fields

When a message payload schema is defined in schema+json format, the message with its content is mapped as follows.

The message is mapped in a Physical Field as follows.

Specification field Physical Field Property
[..] name
[..].message.contentType type

The message payload is mapped in a set of Physical Fields as follows.

Specification field Physical Field Property
[..].payload.[..].<key> name
[..].payload.[..].<key>.type type
[..].payload.[..].<key>.javaType type
[..].payload.[..].<key>.description description
[..].payload.[..].<key>.required add.prop


Datastore Api Example

This section provides examples of how to represent multiple entities using the Data Store API. It demonstrates the application of schema annotations to define multiple physical entities and their fields, illustrating how the mappings are structured and implemented in practice. From the descriptor the observer will create two physical entities called "Customer" and "Payments" each one with just a physical field "id".

  "datastoreapi": "1.0.0",
  "info": {
    "title": "flight_frequency Data",
    "summary": "This API exposes the current flight_frequency data of each `Airline` entity",
    "description": "API description",
    "termsOfService": "",
    "version": "1.0.0",
    "datastoreName": "flight_frequency",
    "contact": {
      "name": "API Support",
      "url": "",
      "email": ""
    "license": {
      "name": "Apache 2.0",
      "url": ""
    "nameSpace": "nome_schema"
  "services": {
    "development": {
      "name": "Flight frequency service",
      "description": "The service tablethat host the `FREQUENCY` data store in the given environment",
      "serverInfo": {
        "flightFrequencyStoreServerInfo": {
          "host:": "{host}",
          "port:": "3306",
          "dbmsType:": "MySQL",
          "dbmsVersion:": "8",
          "connectionProtocols": {
            "jdbc": {
              "version": "1.0",
              "url": "jdbc:mysql://{hosts}:3306/foodmart",
              "driverName": "MySQL JDBC Driver",
              "driverClass": "org.mysql.Driver",
              "driverVersion": "latest",
              "driverLibrary": {
                "description": "MySQL JDBC Driver Library",
                "dataType": "application/java-archive",
                "$href": ""
              "driverDocs": {
                "description": "MySQL JDBC Driver HomePage",
                "dataType": "text/html",
                "$href": ""
      "variables": {
        "host": ""
  "schema": {
    "databaseName": "flightdb",
    "databaseSchemaName": "dwh",
    "tables": [
        "id": "identifier",
        "name": "name",
        "version": "1.0.0",
        "description": "description",
        "specification": "json-schema",
        "specificationVersion": "1",
        "externalDocs": "docs",
        "definition": {
          "name": "Customer",
          "type": "object",
          "properties": {
            "id": {
              "type": "string",
              "description": "The customer identifier.",
              "name": "ID",
              "kind": "ATTRIBUTE",
              "required": true,
              "displayName": "Identifier",
              "summary": "Inline description",
              "comments": "come sopra",
              "examples": [
              "status": "come sopra",
              "tags": [
              "externalDocs": "",
              "default": null,
              "isClassified": true,
              "classificationLevel": "INTERNAL",
              "isUnique": true,
              "isNullable": false,
              "pattern": "^[0-9]+$",
              "format": "named pattern e.g. email",
              "enum": [
              "minLength": 2,
              "maxLength": 10,
              "contentEncoding": "UTF-8",
              "contentMediaType": "application/json",
              "precision": 0,
              "scale": 10,
              "minimum": 0,
              "exclusiveMinimum": true,
              "maximum": 10000,
              "exclusiveMaximum": false,
              "readOnly": true,
              "writeOnly": true,
              "physicalType": "VARCHAR",
              "partitionStatus": true,
              "partitionKeyPosition": 2,
              "clusterStatus": true,
              "clusterKeyPosition": 2,
              "ordinalPosition": 0
        "id": "identifier",
        "name": "name",
        "version": "1.0.0",
        "description": "description",
        "specification": "json-schema",
        "specificationVersion": "1",
        "externalDocs": "docs",
        "definition": {
          "name": "Payment",
          "type": "object",
          "properties": {
            "id": {
              "type": "string",
              "description": "The customer identifier.",
              "name": "ID",
              "kind": "ATTRIBUTE",
              "required": true,
              "displayName": "Identifier",
              "summary": "Inline description",
              "comments": "come sopra",
              "examples": [
              "status": "come sopra",
              "tags": [
              "externalDocs": "",
              "default": null,
              "isClassified": true,
              "classificationLevel": "INTERNAL",
              "isUnique": true,
              "isNullable": false,
              "pattern": "^[0-9]+$",
              "format": "named pattern e.g. email",
              "enum": [
              "minLength": 2,
              "maxLength": 10,
              "contentEncoding": "UTF-8",
              "contentMediaType": "application/json",
              "precision": 0,
              "scale": 10,
              "minimum": 0,
              "exclusiveMinimum": true,
              "maximum": 10000,
              "exclusiveMaximum": false,
              "readOnly": true,
              "writeOnly": true,
              "physicalType": "VARCHAR",
              "partitionStatus": true,
              "partitionKeyPosition": 2,
              "clusterStatus": true,
              "clusterKeyPosition": 2,
              "ordinalPosition": 0

Async Api

Raw Port Async Api V3

This section illustrates an example of an Async API version 3 configuration for a Trip Status Streaming API. The API is used to stream events related to the Trip entity. It describes the schema for the messages, including the fields and their types.

  "mediaType": "text/json",
  "asyncapi": "3.0.0",
  "info": {
    "title": "Trip Status Streaming API",
    "version": "1.0.0",
    "description": "This API exposes all events related to `Trip` entity"
  "channels": {
    "transportmng.tripexecution.devents.status": {
      "messages": {
        "tripStatusEvent": {
          "payload": {
            "schemaFormat": "application/vnd.apache.avro;version=1.9.0",
            "schema": {
              "type": "record",
              "name": "TripStatusChange",
              "namespace": "",
              "fields": [
                  "name": "id",
                  "type": {
                    "": "String",
                    "type": "string"
                  "name": "event_type",
                  "type": {
                    "name": "tripEvent",
                    "symbols": [
                    "type": "enum"
                  "name": "event_timestamp",
                  "type": {
                    "": "String",
                    "type": "string"
                  "name": "source_system",
                  "default": "TMS",
                  "type": {
                    "": "String",
                    "type": "string"

Raw Port Async Api V2

This section provides an example of an Async API version 2 configuration for a Trip Status Streaming API. It includes details on the servers, channels, and message schemas used for streaming events related to the Trip entity.

  "mediaType": "text/json",
  "asyncapi": "2.5.0",
  "info": {
    "title": "Trip Status Streaming API",
    "version": "1.0.0",
    "description": "This API exposes all events related to `Trip` entity"
  "servers": {
    "development": {
      "url": "",
      "description": "Confluent Cloud DEV bootstrap server",
      "protocol": "kafka",
      "protocolVersion": "latest",
      "bindings": {
        "kafka": {
          "schemaRegistryUrl": "",
          "schemaRegistryVendor": "confluent"
    "production": {
      "url": "",
      "description": "Confluent Cloud PRODUCTION bootstrap server",
      "protocol": "kafka",
      "protocolVersion": "latest",
      "bindings": {
        "kafka": {
          "schemaRegistryUrl": "",
          "schemaRegistryVendor": "confluent"
  "defaultContentType": "avro/binary",
  "channels": {
    "transportmng.tripexecution.devents.status": {
      "description": "This topic contains all the *domain events* related to `Trip` entity",
      "subscribe": {
        "operationId": "readTripStatusEvents",
        "security": [
            "apiKey": []
        "message": {
          "messageId": "tripStatusEvent",
          "contentType": "avro/binary",
          "schemaFormat": "application/vnd.apache.avro",
          "payload": {
            "type": "record",
            "name": "TripStatusChange",
            "namespace": "",
            "fields": [
                "name": "id",
                "type": {
                  "": "String",
                  "type": "string"
                "name": "event_type",
                "type": {
                  "name": "tripEvent",
                  "symbols": [
                  "type": "enum"
                "name": "event_timestamp",
                "type": {
                  "": "String",
                  "type": "string"
                "name": "source_system",
                "default": "TMS",
                "type": {
                  "": "String",
                  "type": "string"
          "bindings": {
            "kafka": {
              "schemaIdPayloadEncoding": "confluent",
              "schemaLookupStrategy": "TopicIdStrategy",
              "key": {
                "type": "string",
                "enum": [
      "bindings": {
        "kafka": {
          "partitions": 20,
          "replicas": 3
    "transportmng.tripexecution.devents.position": {
      "description": "This topic contains all the *domain events* related position tracking of `Trip` entity",
      "subscribe": {
        "operationId": "readTripPositionEvents",
        "security": [
            "apiKey": []
        "message": {
          "messageId": "tripPositionEvent",
          "contentType": "avro/binary",
          "schemaFormat": "application/vnd.apache.avro",
          "payload": {
            "type": "record",
            "name": "TripPositionNotification",
            "namespace": "",
            "fields": [
                "name": "id",
                "type": {
                  "": "String",
                  "type": "string"
                "name": "position",
                "type": {
                  "": "String",
                  "type": "string"
                "name": "event_timestamp",
                "type": {
                  "": "String",
                  "type": "string"
          "bindings": {
            "kafka": {
              "schemaIdPayloadEncoding": "confluent",
              "schemaLookupStrategy": "TopicIdStrategy",
              "key": {
                "type": "string",
                "enum": [
      "bindings": {
        "kafka": {
          "partitions": 20,
          "replicas": 3
  "components": {
    "securitySchemes": {
      "apiKey": {
        "type": "apiKey",
        "in": "user"

Entities Async Api V3

  "physicalEntities": [
      "uuid": null,
      "schema": null,
      "name": "transportmng.tripexecution.devents.status",
      "description": null,
      "dataSet": null,
      "creationDate": null,
      "modificationDate": null,
      "physicalFields": [
          "uuid": null,
          "name": "",
          "type": "string",
          "ordinalPosition": 1,
          "description": null,
          "creationDate": null,
          "modificationDate": null,
          "additionalProperties": []
          "uuid": null,
          "name": "tripStatusEvent.event_timestamp",
          "type": "string",
          "ordinalPosition": 3,
          "description": null,
          "creationDate": null,
          "modificationDate": null,
          "additionalProperties": []
          "uuid": null,
          "name": "tripStatusEvent",
          "type": null,
          "ordinalPosition": 0,
          "description": null,
          "creationDate": null,
          "modificationDate": null,
          "additionalProperties": []
          "uuid": null,
          "name": "tripStatusEvent.source_system",
          "type": "string",
          "ordinalPosition": 4,
          "description": null,
          "creationDate": null,
          "modificationDate": null,
          "additionalProperties": []
          "uuid": null,
          "name": "tripStatusEvent.event_type",
          "type": "enum",
          "ordinalPosition": 2,
          "description": null,
          "creationDate": null,
          "modificationDate": null,
          "additionalProperties": []
      "system": null,
      "isConsentView": null,
      "isHidden": null,
      "tableType": "TOPIC",
      "additionalProperties": []

Entities Async Api V2

  "physicalEntities": [
      "uuid": null,
      "schema": null,
      "name": "transportmng.tripexecution.devents.status",
      "description": "This topic contains all the *domain events* related to `Trip` entity",
      "dataSet": null,
      "creationDate": null,
      "modificationDate": null,
      "physicalFields": [
          "uuid": null,
          "name": "",
          "type": "string",
          "ordinalPosition": 1,
          "description": null,
          "creationDate": null,
          "modificationDate": null,
          "additionalProperties": []
          "uuid": null,
          "name": "tripStatusEvent",
          "type": "avro/binary",
          "ordinalPosition": 0,
          "description": null,
          "creationDate": null,
          "modificationDate": null,
          "additionalProperties": []
          "uuid": null,
          "name": "tripStatusEvent.event_timestamp",
          "type": "string",
          "ordinalPosition": 3,
          "description": null,
          "creationDate": null,
          "modificationDate": null,
          "additionalProperties": []
          "uuid": null,
          "name": "tripStatusEvent.source_system",
          "type": "string",
          "ordinalPosition": 4,
          "description": null,
          "creationDate": null,
          "modificationDate": null,
          "additionalProperties": []
          "uuid": null,
          "name": "tripStatusEvent.event_type",
          "type": "enum",
          "ordinalPosition": 2,
          "description": null,
          "creationDate": null,
          "modificationDate": null,
          "additionalProperties": []
      "system": null,
      "isConsentView": null,
      "isHidden": null,
      "tableType": "TOPIC",
      "additionalProperties": []
      "uuid": null,
      "schema": null,
      "name": "transportmng.tripexecution.devents.position",
      "description": "This topic contains all the *domain events* related position tracking of `Trip` entity",
      "dataSet": null,
      "creationDate": null,
      "modificationDate": null,
      "physicalFields": [
          "uuid": null,
          "name": "",
          "type": "string",
          "ordinalPosition": 1,
          "description": null,
          "creationDate": null,
          "modificationDate": null,
          "additionalProperties": []
          "uuid": null,
          "name": "tripPositionEvent.position",
          "type": "string",
          "ordinalPosition": 2,
          "description": null,
          "creationDate": null,
          "modificationDate": null,
          "additionalProperties": []
          "uuid": null,
          "name": "tripPositionEvent.event_timestamp",
          "type": "string",
          "ordinalPosition": 3,
          "description": null,
          "creationDate": null,
          "modificationDate": null,
          "additionalProperties": []
          "uuid": null,
          "name": "tripPositionEvent",
          "type": "avro/binary",
          "ordinalPosition": 0,
          "description": null,
          "creationDate": null,
          "modificationDate": null,
          "additionalProperties": []
      "system": null,
      "isConsentView": null,
      "isHidden": null,
      "tableType": "TOPIC",
      "additionalProperties": []

Input port dependency

To map an external dependency for an InputPort, version 1.0.0 of the data product descriptor specification should be extended with the x-dependsOn field. For versions > 1.0.0 it is possible to use the dependsOn field.

Dependencies on Other Data Product Ports To define dependencies on another data product port, the x-dependsOn or dependsOn field must include a single string representing the fully qualified name (FQN) of the target data product port. This value will be uploaded to Blindata as the dependsOnIdentifier. It plays a critical role in resolving data product dependencies and reconstructing data lineage at the data product level.

Dependencies on Blindata Systems To map dependencies to systems in Blindata, the x-dependsOn or dependsOn field must contain a single string comprising a prefix and the Blindata system name. This format helps distinguish system dependencies from input port dependencies. The application extracts the system name from the combined string using the regex specified in the blindata.dependsOnSystemNameRegex property. The default is blindata:systems:(.+).

Blindata credentials configurations

First, you need to set the URL for communicating with Blindata:

  url: (an example)

Next, configure the Observer with the appropriate authentication method to interact with Blindata's APIs. For more details, refer to the official documentation

Using Api Key

If you want to use Api Key authentication method, you must add the following application properties.

  [ ... ]
  user: <The user identifier>
  password: <The user password>
  tenantUUID: <The Blindata tenant Uuid>
  [ ... ]

Using Oauth2

If you want to use the Oauth2 protocol to retrieve a token from an external provider (e.g. Microsoft Entra ID, Google Cloud Identity) and then authenticate on Blindata API, you can configure one of the following methods.

Using shared secret

  [ ... ]
    grantType: client_credentials
    scope: (an example)s
    clientId: <client identifier>
    clientSecret: <client secret>
  [ ... ]

Using a certificate The supported certificate format is .pem (Base64 format).

  [ ... ]
    grantType: client_credentials
    clientId: <client identifier>
    clientCertificate: <client certificate with the public key>
    clientCertificatePrivateKey: <client certificate private key>
  [ ... ] 

Run the Project


The project requires the following dependencies:


This project needs some artifacts from the odm-platform project.

Clone dependencies repository

Clone the repository and move to the project root folder:

git clone
cd odm-platform

Compile dependencies

Compile the project:

mvn clean install -DskipTests

Run locally

*Dependencies must have been compiled to run this project.

Clone repository

Clone the repository and move to the project root folder

git clone
cd odm-platform-adapter-observer-blindata

Compile project

Compile the project:

mvn clean package spring-boot:repackage -DskipTests

Run application

Run the application:

java -jar observer-blindata-server/target/odm-platform-adapter-observer-blindata-server-1.0.0.jar

Run with Docker

*Dependencies must have been compiled to run this project.

Clone repository

Clone the repository and move it to the project root folder

git clone
cd odm-platform-adapter-observer-blindata

Here you can find the Dockerfile which creates an image containing the application by directly copying it from the build executed locally (i.e. from target folder).

Compile project

You need to first execute the build locally by running the following command:

mvn clean package spring-boot:repackage -DskipTests

Build image

Build the Docker image of the application and run it.

*Before executing the following commands:

docker build -t odm-observer-blindata-app . -f Dockerfile \
   --build-arg BLINDATA_URL=<blindata-url> \
   --build-arg BLINDATA_USER=<blindata-user> \
   --build-arg BLINDATA_PWD=<blindata-pwd> \
   --build-arg BLINDATA_TENANT=<blindata-tenant> \
   --build-arg BLINDATA_ROLE=<blindata-role>

Run application

Run the Docker image.

docker run --name odm-observer-blindata-app -p 9002:9002 odm-observer-blindata-app

Stop application

docker stop odm-observer-blindata-app

To restart a stopped application execute the following commands:

docker start odm-observer-blindata-app

To remove a stopped application to rebuild it from scratch execute the following commands :

docker rm odm-observer-blindata-app

Run with Docker Compose

*Dependencies must have been compiled to run this project.

Clone repository

Clone the repository and move it to the project root folder

git clone
cd odm-platform-adapter-observer-blindata

Compile project

Compile the project:

mvn clean package spring-boot:repackage -DskipTests

Build image

Build the docker-compose images of the application and a default PostgreSQL DB (v11.0).

Before building it, create a .env file in the root directory of the project similar to the following one:


*Blindata parameters will be explained below

Then, build the docker-compose file:

docker-compose build

Run application

Run the docker-compose images.

docker-compose up

Stop application

Stop the docker-compose images

docker-compose down

To restart a stopped application execute the following commands:

docker-compose up

To rebuild it from scratch execute the following commands :

docker-compose build --no-cache

Test it

REST services

You can invoke REST endpoints through OpenAPI UI available at the following url:

Blindata configuration

In order to connect with Blindata, you must specify some important values in file application.yml (or in .env file if you're running the application with docker-compose, or as build arguments if you're running the application through Docker)

  url: the url where Blindata application is reachable
  user: the username used to log in Blindata
  password: the password to connect in Blindata
  tenantUUID: the tenant where you have to operate
  roleUuid: A possible role identifier. You need this identifier to create or update responsibilities in Blindata (value optional)
  systemNameRegex: optional regex to extract system name from schema (value optional)
  systemTechnologyRegex: optional regex to extract system technology from schema (value optional)
    assetsCleanup: (true/false, default true) the option to enable/disable the cleanup of deprecated assets associated to data products ports

ODM configuration

In order to connect with ODM microservices, you must specify some important values in file application.yml (or in .env file if you're running the application with docker-compose, or as build arguments if you're running the application through Docker)

      active: Whether the ODM Policy Service is active or not
      address: The address of ODM Policy Service
      active: Whether the ODM Registry Service is active or not
      address: The address of ODM Registry Service
      active: Whether the ODM Notification Service is active or not
      address: The address of ODM Notification Service