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russh edited this page Aug 18, 2015 · 2 revisions

###LDAP Authentication module

by libregeek

I have customized a LDAP authentication module for CATS. However it's not complete and many improvements can be done. Even though it's developed for cats-0.5.5 it works fine with the 0.9 also. you can download the patches and files from here: (link is temporarily broken)

The user list is still maintained in the mysql table, but the authentication request will be directed to the ldap database. To create the user first you have to add the user to LDAP and then to the MySQL database (through Settings in CATS).

Please read the README before using the plugin.

Active Directory

I've been working to try and get this plugin to auth against active directory. I use this model but it does not seem to work.

   define ('AUTH_MODE', 'ldap'); // Currently supports ldap, sql    define ('LDAP_HOST', 'ldap_server');    define ('LDAP_PORT', '389');    define ('LDAP_BASEDN', 'ou=users,ou=company,dc=local,dc=domain');    define ('LDAP_UID', 'sAMAccountName');    define ('LDAP_CONNECT_DN', 'uid=test,ou=users,ou=company,dc=local,dc=domain');    define ('LDAP_PASSWORD', 'test123');

Not sure if this is an issue with the code right now or not. Like the user in the thread this came from it does not seem to work with sAMAccountName or uid.