RhizoScan provide a set of tool to analyse 2D images of root system.
- The main goal is to allow extraction of Root System Architecture (RSA) as Multiscale Tree Graph (MTG)
- from images and image sets. It also provides typical mesurement analysis, such as root axes length (primary, secondary, total) and comparative plots.
- NumPy
- SciPy
- Matplotlib
- Scikit-image
- Scikit-learn
- PIL or Pillow
- OpenCV
- VPlants.PointReconstruction
- OpenAlea.MTG (https://github.com/openalea/mtg)
- OpenAlea.Visualea (https://github.com/openalea/openalea)
- OpenAlea.VPLTK (https://github.com/openalea/openalea)
- OpenAlea.grapheditor (https://github.com/openalea/openalea)
- OpenAlea.deploy (https://github.com/openalea/deploy)
- OpenAlea.core (https://github.com/openalea/core)
- TreeEditor (https://github.com/openalea-incubator/treeeditor)
- RSML-conversion-tools (https://github.com/openalea/RSML)
python setup.py install
RhizoScan is released under a Cecill-C license.
Julien Diener (https://github.com/julien-diener)