This is a comment, it will not be included) [comment]: <> (in the output file unless you use it in) [comment]: <> (a reference style link.)
This is a fork of the it-dep repository published by the O-RAN software community.
Clone this repo and update all the submodules within this repo. You might need root access.
sudo -i
git clone -b e_rel_xapp_onboarder_support
cd RIC-Deployment
git submodule update --init --recursive --remote
The submodule update will automatically get all the files from and update them in the current directory.
The RIC Platform is deployed as a Kubernetes cluster, so we will need to install Kubernetes (version > 1.16.0) and helm (version 2.17.0). We will also need to install a persistent volume
The tools directory contains the required scripts to generate the Kubernetes, docker and helm installation script. Software versions can be changed by modifying the /tools/k8s/etc/infra.rc
cd tools/k8s/bin
This script will generate another script Observe that the version of Kubernetes, helm and docker that will be installed in indicated in the name of the generated file (k_1_16-h_2_17-d_cur). Run this script
Once the script is done, the VM will reboot. To check if Kubernetes was successfully installed, run
sudo kubectl get pods -A
You should see 9 pods in kube-system Namespace and their status should be Running.
This repo contains RAN Intelligent Controller (RIC) deployments related files.
The RIC deployment scripts are designed to deploy RIC components using helm charts. A deployment recipe yaml file that contains parameter key:value pairs can be provided as a parameter for any deployment script in this repository. The deployment recipe is acting as the helm override values.yaml file. The default parameters are set up to deploy a RIC instance using Linux Foundation repositories in a self-contained environment.
. ├── bin ├── ci ├── docs ├── LICENSES.txt License information ├── This file ├── RECIPE_EXAMPLE Directory that contains deploy recipe examples ├── ric-aux Deployment scripts, charts and configuration files for RIC auxilary functions ├── ric-common Deployment scripts, charts and configuration files for RIC common template ├── ric-dep Deployment scripts, charts and configuration files for RIC platform components └── tools Deployment scripts, charts and configuration files for K8S deployment
The deployment scripts are designed to be modularized. Each submodule is managed independently in other Git repo and they can be deployed and undeployed separately. These submodules are coupled together throught the ric-common template which provides common references to naming convention, settings, and configurations. Currently ric-dep is the submodule for RIC platform deployment, and ric-aux is the submodule for the auxilary functions deployment (currently ric-aux is still managed by it/dep repo). In the future, more submodules can be added without changing the structure.
The one-click RIC deployment/undeployment scripts in the ./bin directory will call the deployment/undeployment scripts in the corresponding submodule directory respectively. In each of the submodule directories, ./bin contains the binary and script files and ./helm contains the helm charts. For the rest of the non-submodule directories please refer to the files in them for more details.
Choose a deployment recipe (e.g, ./RECIPE_EXAMPLE/PLATFORM/amber_example_recipe.yaml) Make a copy of the recipe and edit the key:value pairs in it according to your needs Make sure that you have the correct docker image registry, name, and tag spcified for all the components. Set the values of extsvcaux/ricip and extsvcaux/auxip to be the external IP addresses of VM hosting RIC cluster and VM hosting AUX cluster, respectively. Then run the following to deploy:
$ . ./deploy-ric-platform -f <PATH_TO_YOUR_MODIFIED_RECIPE>
Run the following to undeploy:
$ . ./undeploy-ric-platform
Choose a deployment recipe (e.g, ./RECIPE_EXAMPLE/AUX/amber_example_recipe.yaml) Make a copy of the recipe and edit the key:value pairs in it according to your needs Set the values of extsvcaux/ricip and extsvcaux/auxip to be the external IP addresses of VM hosting RIC cluster and VM hosting AUX cluster, respectively.
$ . ./deploy-ric-aux -f <PATH_TO_YOUR_MODIFIED_RECIPE>
Run the following to undeploy:
$ . ./undeploy-ric-aux