Lightweight, in person, eConsent for clinical research written in Swift and using ResearchKit and the BoxSDK.
Required dependencies: ResearchKit, box-ios-sdk
Operator is presented with a screen that references Box sign in via the SDK. Once signed in, checks against folder access for write access to the specified folder ID. If appropriate access, checks for outbound iMessage capability. Appropriate consent for the study is selected. Presents consent as a series of screens and subscreens. Subject adds name and signature. Entire consent is packaged as a PDF and uploaded to box folder. A sharing link is created to the box document and that link is inserted into an iMessage message, which can be sent to the subject., or open a GitHub issue
Credit to:
The official ResearchKit documentation:
Ray Wendrlich's Tutoriak that really got this project kicked off:
The maintainers of the box-ios-sdk repository
Folks who have asked questions and given great answers at StackOverfow on ResearchKit and Swift