Purpose of this module is to perform auto sync from Zoom API of all available events to Virtual Y Virtual Meeting entity.
Please enable this module and set your credentials on the admin interface (/admin/openy/integrations/openy_gc_zoom_sync/settings
We use Drupal core migration api for this feature.
Please, run drush mim openy_gc_zoom_sync_virtual_meetings --sync
to begin sync process.
You could add this command to your crontab and run the script according to your schedule.
Feel free to modify migration config here: https://github.com/open-y-subprojects/openy_gc_zoom_sync/blob/main/migrations/migrate_plus.migration.openy_gc_zoom_sync_virtual_meetings.yml If you have custom entities fro Virtual Y.
Feel free to ask any questions in the #developers channel of the Open Y slack or you could write any questions to anatoliy@imagexmedia.com