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Jeff Squyres edited this page Nov 18, 2016 · 1 revision

Open MPI Weekly Telcon

  • Dialup Info: (Do not post to public mailing list or public wiki)


  • Brad Benton
  • Geoffroy Vallee
  • Howard
  • Josh Hursey
  • Joshua Ladd
  • Nathan Hjelm
  • Nysal
  • Ralph
  • Ryan Grant
  • Todd Kordenbrock
  • Geoff Paulsen


Review 1.10

Review 2.0.x

Review Master?

  • Lots of failures on Master. Items failing out. MPI_Irecv_Pack (unpack is generating an error).
    • Just got a lot of packing changes, may be related.
  • Josh question on PR1482.
    • legitimate concerns on mechanism.
    • Users confused why self
  • Ralph has committed -host change so people can begin looking at.
    • At one point talked about moving to 2.x. If we don't move to 2.0.0, won't move to 2.x at all.

MTT status:

  • Over the weekend, figured out that HTTP access has been ignored for some amount of time, so over the weekend turned it back on. But if anyone submitted with wrong password, might get bad message.
    • If you have an issue, please Contact Jeff Squyres or Josh Hursey.

Status Updates: No updates this week

Status Update Rotation

  1. Cisco, ORNL, UTK, NVIDIA
  2. Mellanox, Sandia, Intel
  3. LANL, Houston, IBM

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