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Closed Nov 3, 2022 100% complete

Release of 1.0.0rc2, with
[Bug fix]

  1. testing benchmark regression with FP32 and related bug-fix
  2. training benchmark regression with FP32 and related bug-fix
  3. training benchmark regression with FP16 and related bug-fix


  1. refactor nn.Module -> BaseModule
  2. refactoring evaluation metrics: SNR, SSIM, MAE, MSE, PSNR

[New Feature]

  1. support instance-a…

Release of 1.0.0rc2, with
[Bug fix]

  1. testing benchmark regression with FP32 and related bug-fix
  2. training benchmark regression with FP32 and related bug-fix
  3. training benchmark regression with FP16 and related bug-fix


  1. refactor nn.Module -> BaseModule
  2. refactoring evaluation metrics: SNR, SSIM, MAE, MSE, PSNR

[New Feature]

  1. support instance-aware colorization
  2. visualization tools
  3. diffusion models

This milestone is closed.

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