CDK Serverless is a powerful toolkit designed to simplify serverless application development using the AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK). It offers project management features, higher-level (L3) constructs, and utility libraries to streamline the creation and management of serverless architectures. Additionally, it leverages utility libraries to write Lambda functions and do live updates to Lambda function code during development.
Video introduction:
- Projen helper classes for easy project configuration
- AWS CDK L3-constructs for RestApi, GraphQlApi, and more
- Zero-config Lambda function and VTL template generation
- Automatic DynamoDB single-table infrastructure setup
- Built-in monitoring for Lambda functions and APIs
- Full compatibility with CDK for custom implementations
- Type-safe auto-completion for routes, resolvers, etc.
- Support for Cognito authentication and authorization
- Automated generation of CloudFormation outputs for testing
To begin a new project with CDK Serverless:
Create a new CDK TypeScript app using projen:
$ npx projen new awscdk-app-ts
Adding CDK Serverless is a two step process:
- Add 'cdk-serverless' as a dependency to your project
- Run
npx projen
to install it
Now you can use the project type ServerlessProject
for your app.
First you need to add the desired construct to your projen configuration: (e.g. RestApi)
import { RestApi } from 'cdk-serverless/projen';
new RestApi(project, {
apiName: 'TestApi', // logical name of your API
definitionFile: 'testapi.yaml', // path to your OpenAPI spec
Then run projen to generate construct files and models for the API.
In your stack you can then reference the generated L3s to create the API:
import { TestApiRestApi } from './generated/rest.testapi-api.generated';
const api = new TestApiRestApi(this, 'Api', {
stageName: props.stageName,
domainName: props.domainName,
apiHostname: 'api',
cors: true,
additionalEnv: {
DOMAIN_NAME: props.domainName,
This will also create Lambda functions for all operations defined in your spec and wire them accordingly.
Ensure the bug was not already reported by searching on GitHub under Issues.
If you're unable to find an open issue addressing the problem, open a new one. Be sure to include a title and clear description, as much relevant information as possible, and a code sample or an executable test case demonstrating the expected behavior that is not occurring.
Open a new GitHub pull request with the patch.
Ensure the PR description clearly describes the problem and solution. Include the relevant issue number if applicable.
Changes that are cosmetic in nature and do not add anything substantial to the stability, functionality, or testability will normally not be accepted.
Suggest your change under Issues.
Do not open a pull request on GitHub until you have collected positive feedback about the change.
- Just file a PR with your recommended changes
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