The unix_collector is a self-contained shell script designed for the forensic collection of various artifacts from Unix-based systems located deep inside internal network. It runs on multiple Unix platforms and gathers data that can be analyzed to identify potential system compromises.
As a single shell script, unix_collector
is easy to upload and execute, without the need for untarring, compiling, installation, or an internet connection to download additional components. The script can be run either as a normal user or as root, though it performs more effectively when executed as root, as this allows it to access a wider range of system files and artifacts.
- Sun Solaris
- Linux
- MacOS
- Debian
- Ubuntu
- CentOS
- Red Hat
- Android
- Vmware ESXi
- FreeBSD
- NetScaler
- OpenBSD
- Any IoT platform that is based on Linux/Unix
- Probably others as well.
- Runs everything from a single script.
- No installation or external libraries needed.
- No internet connection needed.
- Enumerate basic host information such as kernel version, processes, hostname and save details in output directory.
- Enumerate files written to the disk and create basic timeline using 'stat' command.
- Enumerate network information and save details in output directory.
- Enumerate patch and installed software information and save details in output directory.
- Enumerate process list and other process information and save details in output directory.
- Enumerate application lists, plist/apk for iOS/Android save them in output directory.
- Enumerate hardware information.
- Enumerate virtual controller information (ESXi,VMBox,VIRT) and save details in output directory.
- Hash files in various folders such as /home/ /opt/ /usr/ and save details in output directory.
- Hash files which are marked as SGID or SUID and save details in output directory.
- Copy various files such as cron job, plist or other files into output directory.
- Copy SUID/SGID binaries into output directory.
- Copy home and tmp directories into output directory.
- Copy specific /proc/ files into output directory.
- Copy system logs (i.e /var/log or /var/adm/) into output directory.
- Copy /dev/shm into output directory.
- Gather information about containers.
- Where copy or hashing operation happens, files over 500MB will be skipped. This default behavior can be modified inside the script by changing RSYNC_MAX_FILESIZE, TAR_MAX_FILESIZE and HASH_MAX_FILESIZE global variables.
- TAR entire output directory and use hostname as file name with current date.
- Enough space on the disk so logs and other files can be copied into single location (alternatively run from mounted disk or network partition).
- sh
Execute unix_collector
without specifying any operating system version (script will guess OS type):
chmod +x ./ && ./
Execute unix_collector
on AIX while specifying platform:
chmod +x ./ && ./ --platform=aix
Execute unix_collector
on MacOS while specifying platform:
chmod +x ./ && ./ --platform=mac
_ _ _ _ _____ __ ____ ___ _ _ _____ ____ _____ ___ ____
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| |_| | |\ || | / \ | |__| |_| | |___| |___| |__| |___ | || |_| | _ <
\___/|_| \_|___/_/\_\ \____\___/|_____|_____|_____\____| |_| \___/|_| \_\
A live forensic collection script for UNIX-like systems. Version: 1.7 by op7ic
> UNIX Collector
> UNIX Collector Date
> UNIX Collector User
> UNIX Collector Platform
> Hostname
> Kernel
> Version
> Check for tainted kernel
> SSH settings
> File timeline
> Release
> Kerberos ticket list
> Full OS Info
> Process list
> Cron and other scheduler files
> Kernel Modules
> At scheduler
> Kernel settings
> Environment
> ulimit
> Auditd
> spool files
> Installed software (this could take a few mins)
> Installed patches
> Compiler tools (NFS skip)
> Copying logs
> Copying home dirs
> Copying proc dirs
> Copying /tmp/ and /var/tmp/ dirs where possible
> Finding all SUID/SGID binaries
> Hashing all SUID/SGID binaries
> Hashing all HOME dirs
> Hashing all /bin/ /sbin/ /usr/ /opt/ /tmp/ dirs
> Interface configuration
> IP addr
> IP forwarding
> Routing
> Netstat
> ARP cache
> Hosts
> TCP wrappers
> IP Tables
> IP Tables (IPv6)
> Removing empty files
> Removing oversize file list
> Creating TAR file
> Removing temporary directory
The unix_collector project uses the GNU General Public License v3.0 software license.