: make ovm bootable image for macos arm64wsl2_amd64
: make ovm wsl2 rootfs distribute
NOTE: Only one profile can be built at a time
: Skip build prootSKIP_APT_GET_INSTALL=true
: Skipapt update && apt install -y required package
: using qemu as vm provider
docker build --no-cache -t ubuntu-noble-build .
# Only if you need proxy
docker build --no-cache \
--build-arg http_proxy= \
--build-arg https_proxy= \
-t ubuntu-noble-build .
# Run container to build bootable-arm64.img.zst
docker run -it --privileged -v ./output:/root/MkRoot/output ubuntu-noble-build
# Only if you need proxy
docker run -it --privileged -v ./output:/root/MkRoot/output \
-e http_proxy= \
-e https_proxy= ubuntu-noble-build