Fetch schemata from SchemaStore catalog interactively. The package fetches and categorises the catalog into searchable topics that can be fetched in groups. (eg. All AWS schemata can be downloaded from groups AWS or Amazon). The package can be used in typescript and JS projects as a module or used via standalone CLI command onst-ss.
Built for ONLang
A utility library bundled with superfast CLI for categorizing SchemaStore catalog into entities and list them. The catalog is broken into different entities based on similarity using Levenshtein Distance and Spelling Distance. This is achieved by using the fastest-levenshtein package.
The objective is to provide schema from many systems on the fly.
npm install -g @onlang-org/onst-schemastore
const { fetchSchemaFromSchemaStore } = require('@onlang-org/onst-schemastore');
async function exampleUsage() {
try {
const result = await fetchSchemaFromSchemaStore();
console.log(`${answer} has ${result.schema.length} ${result.schema.length === 1 ? 'schema' : 'schemata'}.`);
result.schema.forEach(schema => {
console.log(`- ${schema.name} - ${schema.url}`);
} catch (error) {
console.error(`Error fetching schema for ${schemaName}:`, error.message);
const filteredEntities = await findSchema(input, categorizedSchemas)
return filteredEntities.map(schema => {
return {
value: schema,
description: `${schema} selected`
> onst-ss
> ? Which entity would you want to download? AWS
> AWS has 4 schemata.
- AWS CDK cdk.json - https://json.schemastore.org/cdk.json
- AWS CloudFormation - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/awslabs/goformation/master/schema/cloudformation.schema.json
- AWS CloudFormation Serverless Application Model (SAM) - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aws/serverless-application-model/main/samtranslator/schema/schema.json
- AWS SAM CLI Samconfig - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aws/aws-sam-cli/master/schema/samcli.json
Copyright (c) 2024 ONLang.org https://github.com/onlang-org (rajatasusual https://github.com/rajatasusual) Read more about the license.
Thank you for considering contributing to @onlang-org/onst-schemastore! Your contributions help improve the functionality and usability of this tool. For more details, please refer to CONTRIBUTING.md.