This is an Ashita v4 port of the Balloon addon, forked from StarlitGhost's version.
The original Windower Balloon addon was created by Hando and modified by Kenshi, Yuki and Ghosty.
This Ashita v4 port was created by onimitch.
- Download the latest Release from the Releases page
- Extract the balloon folder to your Ashita4/addons folder
- Login to your character in FFXI
- Type
/addon load balloon
- Go to your Ashita v4 folder
- Open the file Ashita4/scripts/default.txt
- Add
/addon load balloon
to the list of addons to load under "Load Plugins and Addons"
You can use /balloon
or /bl
/balloon 0
- Hide balloon & display npc text in game log window.
/balloon 1
- Show balloon & hide npc text from game log window.
/balloon 2
- Show balloon & display npc text in game log window.
/balloon reset
- Reset all settings back to default.
/balloon reset pos
- Reset the balloon position.
/balloon theme <theme>
- Switch theme (see below for info on Themes).
/balloon scale <scale>
- Scales the size of the balloon by a decimal (eg: 1.5).
/balloon delay <seconds>
- Delay before closing promptless balloons.
/balloon speed <chars per second>
- Speed that text is displayed, in characters per second. Set to 0 to disable.
/balloon portrait
- Toggle the display of character portraits, if the theme has settings for them.
/balloon move_close
- Toggle balloon auto-close on player movement.
/balloon always_on_top
- Toggle always on top (IMGUI mode). This mode renders the final elements using IMGUI to ensure Balloon always appears in front of any other custom UI. If for some reason you have issues with this mode, you can use this command to disable it.
/balloon in_combat
- Toggle displaying balloon during combat (off by default).
/balloon system
- Toggle displaying balloon for system messages, e.g Home Points. (on by default).
/balloon cinematic
- Toggle cinematic mode - auto hide game UI during cutscenes (on by default).
/balloon fps
- Toggle fps control during cutscenes to prevent lockups in certain cutscenes (on by default).
/balloon test <name> <lang> <mode>
- Display a test bubble. Lang: "-" (auto), "en" or "ja". Mode: 1 (dialogue), 2 (system).
/balloon test
- List all available tests.
Balloon will auto hide the game UI during a cutscene and handle key/button presses to continue the dialogue. If the game presents you with options during a cutscene, Balloon will temporarily re-show the game UI and hide it again once you've made a selection.
Cinematic mode is enabled by default.
If you want to turn it off, you can toggle the option using /balloon cinematic
While the balloon is open you can use the mouse to click and drag it to move it around.
There are currently four themes bundled with the addon.
Requires "Libre Franklin Medium" or "Libre Franklin Regular" font, which you can get free from Google Fonts. Install the font in Windows.
Uses "DotGothic16" font, which you can get free from Google Fonts. Install the font in Windows.
Alternatively it will look for "DePixel" font if "DotGothic16" not installed, which you can get free from Be Fonts.
If you want to customise a theme, copy one of the existing themes from addons/balloon/themes
into config/addons/balloon/themes
Example: config/addons/balloon/themes/my_theme
In game switch to your new theme: /balloon theme my_theme
Edit the theme.xml file as you wish, or replace the pngs with alternatives. Sorry there isn't any more help on this for now but hopefully the existing themes are enough to figure out how it works.
Reload the theme by using: /balloon theme my_theme
See your changes immediately by using one of the test prompts:
e.g: /balloon test bahamut
or /balloon test colors
I only have limited time available to offer support, but if you have a problem, have discovered a bug or want to request a feature, please create an issue on GitHub.
This addon uses a custom fork of ThornyXI's gdifonts and gdifonttextures, in order to support colored regions and clipping: