That's my dotfiles folder with many things that I can't work without them.
First, you'll have to execute the pre-install script
curl -o- | bash
wget -qO- | bash
It creates ~/.onhernandes
if it doesn't exists, installs git and setup a new SSH key if there's no either ~/.ssh
or ~/.ssh/
. Then you should login to Github, setup your SSH keys and then execute the install script:
curl -o- | bash
wget -qO- | bash
It works only for Manjaro. If you've pacman
, I think it'll work just fine
- openssh
- docker
- docker-compose
- curl
- unzip
- arandr
- autorandr
- xclip (used by neovim)
- xf86 input synaptics
- fzf (used by neovim)
- cmake
- freetype2
- fontconfig
- pkg-config
- make
- rustup
- powerline-fonts (used by powerline)
- kitty (my fav term emulator)
- tmux
- firefox dev edition
- kubectl
- shfmt (formats shell scripts)
- telegram-desktop
- python2-pip (by default, python and pip comes into v3, but there's no pip2.8)
- gnome-tweaks
- google-chrome (Unfortunately, I've to use Google Chrome for Google Meet, because it consumes 100% of my CPU on firefox)
- watchman
- android studio
- asdf-vm (multi-lang version manager)
- bat
- the silver searcher
It also installs (without pacman):
- nvm
- tpm (tmux plugin manager)
From snap:
- spotify
From NPM:
- neovim
- jjson (for neovim)
- typescript
- vtop (prettier than htop IMHO)
From pip:
- pynvim
- powerline-shell
- flake8
- black
- pipenv
Ruby gems:
- rdoc
- neovim
- tmuxinator
It also creates the following dirs, in case they don't exist yet:
- Tmuxinator completion script for bash
- Git completion script for bash
Finally, it creates the following symlinks:
| From | To |
| $DOTFILES/git/gitconfig
| ~/.gitconfig
| $DOTFILES/vimrc
| ~/.config/nvim/init.vim
| $DOTFILES/vim/ftplugin/python.vim
| ~/.config/nvim/ftplugin/python.vim
| $DOTFILES/python/flake8
| ~/.config/.flake8
| $DOTFILES/tmux.conf
| ~/.tmux.conf
| $DOTFILES/powerline.json
| ~/.config/powerline-shell/config.json