Project: Feed Reader
Testing Framework: Jasmine 2.1.2
Developer: Jitendra Sharma
Project Of: Frontend Developer Nanodegree Course by Udacity
Feed Reader is a web-based application that reads RSS feeds via async call. As, a frontend developer the task is to write test cases for multiple funcationalities. Jasmine 2.1.2 testing framework has been used to test the web app for different scenarios.
Using GUI:
- Click "Clone in Desktop" / "Download ZIP".
- Open the folder.
- Open index.html on your preferred browser.
- There should be several test results at the bottom of the screen that says...
"__ specs, __ failures"
- Pre-requisite : Install git.
- Clone this repo. Open your terminal or Git Bash and run
git clone
- Open the folder.
- Open index.html on your preferred browser.
- There should be several test results at the bottom of the screen that says...
"__ specs, __ failures"
RSS Feeds:
- Feeds are defined.
Web App Must have a well defined feed array. Array shoud not be empty. - Feed URLs are defined and are not empty.
This will test the Feed's URL for being defined and not empty. - Feed names are defined and are not empty.
This will test the Feed's Name for being a String, defined and not empty.
Menu Bar :
- Menu Bar is hidden on page load.
This will check for Menu's deafult behaviour when page loads. The menu shoud be hidden by default. - Menu Bar appears on first click.
- Menu Bar disappears on second click.
This will check for Menu's behaviour when the hamburger icon is clicked. First click should toggle the menu's visiblity to show. And the following second click should toggle visiblity to hidden.
Default Header Title:
- Default Header Title should be 'Feeds'.
Header Title must set to 'Feeds' before the async call loads the feed title.
Intial RSS Feed has Entries:
- Intial feed must have entries.
This Spec will check that default feed must have atleast one entry on the web page.
Feed Content Changes on Changing Feed :
- New feed entries loads on changing feed. The Feed will automatically change to a random feed, other than the current. The Jasmine spec check for the content and will switch the page back to deafult feed.