An application that allows you view NASA's picture of the day from different dates. This Application also saves YOUR favorite pictures to localStorage and persists all saved pictures from various users to Firestore.
- React
- Redux toolkit
- Tailwind css
- TypeScript
- Firestore
- Cypress
To get started, follow the instructions below
Ensure you have Node at >=11.14.0.
In the root of the application, install the required packages by running
yarn install
- Once completed, start the application by running
npm start
NB: You'll need API keys to run this project.
npm start
npm test
// to watch tests running in browser
npm test:open
This command will run the tests in the terminal.
👤 Adebola Adeniran
- Github: @onedebos
- Linkedin: linkedin
- Portfolio:
This project is MIT licensed.