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With this project you can use "Chatbot-UI" as user interface for your Rivet projects! This allows you to create complex LLM based processes (e.g. a teachable assistant) in a visual programming interface and interact with it via a beautiful chat UI. Chatbot-UI also keeps all the conversation history, so we do not need to care about that!


  • Creates an OpenAI SDK compatible API for any rivet project
  • Captures streaming output from a configured node
  • Streams the output
  • Transforms messages, before sending them to the rivet graph
  • Beautiful Chat-UI (provided by Chatbot-UI)
  • Chatbot-UI features: Multiple chats with conversation history, Integrated RAG etc.

Chat UI for Rivet!

Last updates 19. Feb 2024

  • Added plugin support as well as access to environment variables (see #3 Additional features)

1. Cloud setup



Deploy on Railway

Click the button above or go to and click "Deploy Now"

Watch my youtube video explaining the process:

Watch the video

Note: Written instructions can be found on the lower part of the template page

2. Local setup


For simplicity all is explained for Visual Studio Code. You can of course run it in other IDEs.

Software installation (prerequisites)

  1. Install Visual Studio Code:
  2. Install node.js + node package manager: (in the install process, make sure you also install npm package manager!)
  3. Install Github:

Clone the repo

  1. Open terminal or command line
  2. Enter git clone

Configure the project

  1. Open the folder in Visual Studio Code (File -> Open Folder)
  2. Open "Terminal -> New Terminal" and enter npm install
  3. Go to /.vscode/ folder
  4. Rename "launch_sample.json" to "launch.json"
  5. Open "launch.json" and replace the value for OPEN_API_KEY with your OpenAI Key

Running the project

Just press "Run -> Start Debugging" in Visual Studio Code. Continue with the "Chat setup". The URLs displayed are the endpoints to connect the chat to rivet-chat-api.

Use your own project files

  • Make sure your project file has an input of type "chat-message" and array checked (Type: chat-message[])
  • Rename all "Chat" nodes you want to have streaming output to "output"
  • Select a main graph in "Project" settings
  • Add your file into the /rivet folder and remember the filename

Using plugins

If you want to use plugins, you need to import and register them first in graphManager.ts

Example for mongoDB Plugin

import rivetMongoDbPlugin from 'rivet-plugin-mongodb';
import * as Rivet from '@ironclad/rivet-node';

Chat setup

We are using "Chatbot-UI" as it is a very user friendly UI (similiar to ChatGPTs UI):

Software installation (prerequisites)

  1. Install Docker:

Install Chatbot-UI

Note: This installation is a bit long, but it is a one time thing!

  1. Open terminal (MacOs) or command line (Windows)
  2. git clone
  3. Navigate into the folder of the repository cd chatbot-ui
  4. Install dependencies npm install
  5. Install superbase: npm install supabase
  6. Make sure Docker is running
  7. Start Supabase supabase start
  8. Create file .env.local cp .env.local.example .env.local
  9. Open ".env.local" in Visual Studio Code (in chatbot-ui root folder)
  10. Get the required values by running supabase status
  11. Copy "API URL" value and insert it into "NEXT_PUBLIC_SUPABASE_URL"
  12. Copy "anon key" and insert it into "NEXT_PUBLIC_SUPABASE_ANON_KEY"
  13. Open supabase/migrations/20240108234540_setup.sql file
  14. Replace "service_role_key" with the value from supabase status and save

Note: Also see instructions on:

Starting the Chat-UI

  1. Make sure Docker is running
  2. Navigate to your "chatbot-ui" folder
  3. Enter npm run chat
  4. Navigate to the URL shown to you, usually: http://localhost:3000

Configure the Chat-UI

  1. When you start "chatbot-ui" for the first time enter e-mail + password (don't worry, all stays locally on your pc)
  2. In the sidebar press on "Models" (Stars-Icon) and on "New Model"
  3. Enter any name
  4. Add the name of your graph e.g. "example.rivet-project" as model
  5. Enter http://localhost:3100/ as Base URL
  6. Enter anything as API key
  7. Open the model selection in the top-right corner and select your custom model
  8. Have fun chatting

3 Additional features

3.1 Accessing environment variables

All environment variables are automatically available via the context node.

3.2 Using plugins

When you boot up the application, it will tell which plugins are supported and what environment variables need to set to make them work. As this might change often, this is easier than trying to keep this readme up-to-date.


Available Plugins and Required Environment Variables:
Plugin: chroma
  Activate with env var: USE_CHROMADB_PLUGIN (set to 'true' to enable)
  Required env var for databaseUri: CHROMA_DATABASE_URI

Note: I did not test every plugin if it works. Please contact me if there are issues.

3.3 Additional debugging

You can send data to an "raise event" node with id "debugger" to log the data to the console. This is useful if you run the graphs in the cloud.

3.4 Streaming output to the API

Generally you can potentially use any node as output, but currently only nodes that either stream the output (chat nodes) or provide a clear output value (e.g. text node, object node) are supported. All nodes that shall be made available need to be renamed to "output"

Non-Streaming output will still be streamed (but very quickly) by the rivet-chat-api for a better user experience.

3.5 CORS issues

If you are using the API from another domain you might run into CORS errors. To fix this you can add ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_ORIGIN to the environment variables (e.g. "*")


Runs your rivet graphs in a beautiful chat UI






No packages published


  • TypeScript 94.5%
  • JavaScript 5.5%