My personal coding setup for my projects which runs using Grunt. Contains Sass, ITCSS, BEM, SMACSS, Atomic Design, OOCSS or namespacing inspired by Harry Roberts.
In root folder:
- Install dependencies
npm install
- Run Grunt with command
- npm >= 6.9.0
- Grunt >= 1.1.0
- Config switches
- Globally-available variables
- General project settings so for the most basic high-level configuration
- Sass variables or CSS custom properties
- Visual vocabulary of the site
- Tokens represent as a variables
- typography, colors, spacing, fonts, object styles
- Globally used functions, placeholders and mixins
- Globally-available tools
- Helper functions
- Third party vendors including normalize/reset
- Ground-zero styles
- This is the first layer which generates actual CSS
These come with default styling from the browser so we can redefine them here.
- Unclassed HTML elements
- Last layer we see type selector
Class-based selectors which define undecorated design patterns.
- Design patterns
- No cosmetic
- Begin using classes exclusively
- The components are divided into three groups:
- atoms: the smallest building blocks of a website, can't contain any other component
- molecules: simple groups of UI elements functioning together as a unit
- organisms: complex UI components composed of groups of molecules and/or atoms and/or other organisms
- Designed pieces of UI
- Still only using classes
- More explicitly named
Ability to override anything. It will most likely come with !important as we are sure to use them.
- Overrides, helpers, utilities
- Only affect one piece of the DOM at a time