Forked from dbroeglin
This script allows you to deploy Citrix/Netscaler gateway for ESX on VirtualBox. Only for testing purposes.
1- Download your VPX version for ESX from
2- Open Powershell as administrator and navigate to VirtualBox installation directory.
3- It may be necessary to disabled execution policy first :
Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted
4- Run the script :
.\Deploy-NSVPX-Vbox.ps1 -Package [zip_file] -VMName [vm_name] -Force -Verbose -Start
->[zip_file] is the location of downloaded NSVPX package and [vm_name] the name you want to give to the VM.
5- If everything goes well you should see "VM "NSVPX-13.0" has been successfully started."
6- Reactivate powershell policy !
Set-ExecutionPolicy Restricted