- Developed a WebRTC enabled multi-party video conferencing and web chat application
- Enhanced app by adding collaborative drawing canvas, presentation sharing and video sharing.
- Optimized application for low-bandwidth scenarios by providing an optional audio stream only toggle.
Please refer to the project report pdf file for detailed summary.
- User Registry – Maintains a list of registered users in our database and allows only those users to use our application.
- Dynamic Rooms – The rooms are created dynamically giving users the freedom to name the rooms according to their choice.
- Video conferencing - Supports live video conferencing for multiple rooms at the same time Canvas sahring - Real-time whiteboard sharing with one controller (who can be changed)
- Public Chat – It is a common per-room chat where the user can type a message which will be sent to all the members of the room.
- Private Chat – It is a chat between any two users of the room which is exclusive to them.
- Presentation sharing - Real-time presentation sharing functionality Video streaming and sharing - Real-time video streaming and sharing
User types:
- General user - The participant in the meeting. Can view videos of other users, view canvas, view presentations and participate in chats. Can be converted into a controller by the administrator.
- Administrator – The creator of the room is known as the administrator. Holds various powers like granting control to other users, muting other users and ending the meeting.
- Controller – The user who has the rights to present a presentation, stream a local video or draw on the canvas is known as the controller.
- Videos Mode – Displays the video stream from the cameras of all the other meeting participants.
- Canvas Mode – Allows the current controller to add, manipulate and delete objects on the canvas which will be visible to all the other users. Page 4NG-I2I, Real Time Communication with WebRTC
- Presentation Mode - Allows the current controller to present a presentation which will be visible to all the other users.
- Video Stream Mode – Allows the current controller to stream a locally stored video file to al the other users in addition to his camera stream.
- Application development framework: Spring (Java)
- Front end code: Javascript, AJAX, WebRTC, websockets, Apache POI, Kurento client APIs, Material design, Fabric.js
- Backend code entry point: GroupCallApp.java
- Client code entry point: index.html
- Kurento official site -https://www.kurento.org/
- https://webrtc.org/
- Fabric js - http://fabricjs.com/docs/fabric.Canvas.html
- The noun project icons -https://thenounproject.com/
- Presentation ppt to png images- http://www.tutorialspoint.com/apache_poi_ppt/apache_poi_ppt_to_image.htm
- CSS styling - http://www.w3schools.com/w3css/
- www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/webrtc/basics/
Contributions: This work was done during my summer internship at the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay in 2016. Development contributors: Omkar Damle (Currently at the New York University), Yash Trivedi (Currently at the University of Wisconsin Madison), Rishabh Verma (Currently at Oracle) Principal Investigator: Prof. D.B. Phatak Project In-charge: Mr. Rahul Deshmukh Project Mentor: Mr. Harish Satpute