#installation After looking at both pyblue vs bluepy, settled upon bluepy. So bluepy needs to be installed. The code in this repo depends upon a slight update to the bluepy library, which will hopefully be integrated eventually. Until this pull-request is approved, the following fork can be used: https://github.com/omer-qadir/bluepy
Interface layer to translate player server (ref player/stage) from TCP to BLE
https://devzone.nordicsemi.com/question/83524/how-to-use-rtt-viewer-or-similar-on-gnulinux/ https://devzone.nordicsemi.com/question/44790/rtt-on-os-x/
In a shell type "JLinkExe -device nrf52 -if swd -speed 4000"
type "connect"
in another shell run "JLinkRTTClient" This shell will display debugs
(Don't need this -- will use Virtual box and windows client)
while debugging without roomba, connect pin 28 to VDD or 5V When the devkit is in normal state upon boot-up
- LED 5 appears constantly lit (although it is flickering very fast)
- LED 1 is blinking when waiting for connection
- LED 1 becomes constantly lit if a connection is established
- the cortex goes to sleep after a certain time of not receiving any connections and then LED 1 is off. hit reset.
Extention to bluez. PyBlueZ python scripts use gattlib which doesn't seem to have very good documentation. Reading https://github.com/matthewelse/pygattlib/blob/master/src/gattlib.cpp to decode what the various arguments mean for each function some rudimentary documentation here: https://bitbucket.org/OscarAcena/pygattlib/overview
this folder contains basic bluetooth code (not BLE code)
this folder contains BLE related example code. This code is slightly modified from source
- read_name.py: requester.connect() is given optional argument 'random' (random channel rather than public channel) otherwise connection request fails with devkit
- scan.py: discover takes timeout value in seconds. This is increased otherwise it reads too few
The scan.py needs to be executed as root.
this folder contains BLE related example code. Better than pybluez/examples/ble. It will also need the same modifications as for pybluez (above).
Install from my own fork unless original authors accept pull request IanHarvey/bluepy#180 https://github.com/omer-qadir/bluepy
also extension to bluez
some library documentation here http://ianharvey.github.io/bluepy-doc/
- http://player-stage-manual.readthedocs.io/en/stable/CONTROLLER_PYCPP/
- http://player-stage-manual.readthedocs.io/en/stable/CONTROLLER_PYC/
- http://playerstage.sourceforge.net/doc/Player-1.6.5/player-html/group__player__clientlib__libplayerc__py.php
- Implement TCP layer to receive packets from player client