CODSOFT is a vibrant and diverse community that brings together individuals with similar objectives and ultimate goals. Their main focus is on creating opportunities that span various areas, including leadership development, learning, student engagement, and fostering shared interests.
The CodeSoft Internship Program is a collection of four different tasks designed to help interns learn and develop their Python skills. The tasks include: To-Do List application: Create a command-line or GUI-based application using Python that allows users to create, update, and track their to-do lists. Password generator: Create a password generator application using Python that allows users to specify the length and complexity of the password. Rock-Paper-Scissors Game: Generate a random choice (rock, paper, or scissors) for the computer and Game Logic is 'Determine the winner based on the user's choice and the computer's choice. Contact Book: Store name, phone number, email, and address for each contact. The User can perform operations like; Add, Del, Update and Search
To get started, clone the repository and install the required dependencies. Then, choose one of the tasks and follow the instructions.
Install Libraries like;
pip install Tkinter
pip install pyplance
git clone
The CodeSoft Internship Program is a great opportunity for interns to learn and develop their Python skills. By completing the tasks in this program, interns will gain valuable experience in a variety of areas, including software development, testing, and machine learning.