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Improving matching in tests (#39)
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Previously if we had an error running the tests, only the first test
would appear in the output.

This change makes it such that all cases do appear.
  • Loading branch information
lhchavez authored Feb 21, 2023
1 parent f69ddfa commit 8a674a1
Showing 1 changed file with 148 additions and 137 deletions.
285 changes: 148 additions & 137 deletions src/test/scala/TargetSpec.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -23,27 +23,157 @@ import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
import scala.util.control.Breaks._
import org.scalatest._
import org.scalatest.prop._
import org.scalatest.prop.Tables.Table
import matchers._

object Transact extends Tag("com.omegaup.libinteractive.Transact")

class TargetSpec extends FlatSpec with Matchers with BeforeAndAfterAll {
trait RunMatchers {
val testRoot = Paths.get(".tests")

val parentLanguages = List("cpp", "java", "py")
val PRINTABLE_LIMIT = '\u007e'
val HEX_DIGITS = Array[Char]('0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f')

case class LanguagePair(parentLang: String, childLang: String)

def deploy(path: Path) = {
val resource = getClass.getResource(path.toString)
val deployPath = testRoot.resolve(path)
if (resource != null) {
val source = Source.fromURL(resource)
if (!Files.exists(deployPath.getParent)) {
Files.write(deployPath, source.getLines.toIterable, Charset.forName("UTF-8"))

class RunMatcher(path: Path, expectedOutput: String,
optionsTemplate: Options = Options()) extends Matcher[LanguagePair] {
def apply(l: LanguagePair) = {
val moduleName = path.getName(path.getNameCount - 1).toString
val idlFile = deploy(path.resolve(s"$moduleName.idl"))
val root = testRoot.resolve(path).resolve(s"${l.parentLang}_${l.childLang}")
val options = optionsTemplate.copy(
parentLang = l.parentLang,
childLang = l.childLang,
idlFile = idlFile,
makefile = true,
moduleName = moduleName,
root = root.toAbsolutePath,
quiet = true
val parser = new Parser
val idl = parser.parse(Source.fromFile(idlFile.toFile).mkString)

val installer = new InstallVisitor
val problemsetter = deploy(path.resolve(
val contestant = deploy(path.resolve(

installer.apply(new OutputDirectory(Paths.get(".")))
Generator.generate(idl, options, problemsetter, contestant).foreach(

Files.copy(problemsetter, root.resolve(problemsetter.getFileName))
Files.copy(contestant, root.resolve(contestant.getFileName))

val process = Runtime.getRuntime.exec(Array(
"/usr/bin/make", "-s", "run", "-C", root.toString

val readStream: (InputStream) => String = (inputStream) => {
val result = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
val buffer = Array.fill[Byte](1024)(0)

breakable {
while (true) {
val length =
if (length == -1) break
result.write(buffer, 0, length)
val stdout = readStream(process.getInputStream)
val stderr = readStream(process.getErrorStream)

val exitStatus = process.waitFor
stdout == expectedOutput && exitStatus == 0,
s"${l.parentLang} => ${l.childLang}\nexpected: ${repr(expectedOutput)} got: ${repr(stdout)}.\nexit status: ${exitStatus}.\nstderr: ${stderr}",
s"${l.parentLang} => ${l.childLang}\nmatched expected output: ${repr(stdout)}",

def repr(source: String): String = {
if (source == null) return null

val sb = new StringBuilder()
val limit = source.length()
var hexbuf: Array[Char] = null

var pointer = 0


while (pointer < limit) {
val ch = source.charAt(pointer)
pointer += 1

ch match {
case '\u0000' => sb.append("\\0")
case '\t' => sb.append("\\t")
case '\n' => sb.append("\\n")
case '\r' => sb.append("\\r")
case '\"' => sb.append("\\\"")
case '\\' => sb.append("\\\\")
case ch if CONTROL_LIMIT <= ch && ch <= PRINTABLE_LIMIT => sb.append(ch)
case _ => {

if (hexbuf == null)
hexbuf = Array.fill[Char](4)(0)

var offs = 4
var codepoint = ch.asInstanceOf[Int]
do {
hexbuf(offs) = HEX_DIGITS(codepoint & 0xf)
codepoint >>>= 4
offs -= 1
} while(offs > 0)

sb.append(hexbuf, 0, 4)

return sb.append('"').toString()

def run(path: Path, expectedOutput: String, optionsTemplate: Options =
Options()) = new RunMatcher(path, expectedOutput, optionsTemplate)

def languagePair(parent: String, child: String) = new LanguagePair(parent, child)

class TargetSpec extends FlatSpec with Matchers with BeforeAndAfterAll with TableDrivenPropertyChecks with RunMatchers {
val parentLanguages = Table("cpp", "java", "py")

val childLanguages =
if (System.getProperty("").toLowerCase.startsWith("mac"))
List("c", "cpp", "java", "py")
Table("c", "cpp", "java", "py")
List("c", "cpp", "java", "py", "pas", "cs")
Table("c", "cpp", "java", "py", "pas", "cs")

val transactSupportedLanguages =
Set("c", "cpp", "java", "py", "cs")

val PRINTABLE_LIMIT = '\u007e'
val HEX_DIGITS = Array[Char]('0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f')

override def beforeAll() = {
if (Files.exists(testRoot)) {
Files.walkFileTree(testRoot, new SimpleFileVisitor[Path] {
Expand All @@ -63,96 +193,22 @@ class TargetSpec extends FlatSpec with Matchers with BeforeAndAfterAll {

def deploy(path: Path) = {
val resource = getClass.getResource(path.toString)
val deployPath = testRoot.resolve(path)
if (resource != null) {
val source = Source.fromURL(resource)
if (!Files.exists(deployPath.getParent)) {
Files.write(deployPath, source.getLines.toIterable, Charset.forName("UTF-8"))

def run(parentLang: String, childLang: String, path: Path, expectedOutput: String,
optionsTemplate: Options = Options()) = {
val moduleName = path.getName(path.getNameCount - 1).toString
val idlFile = deploy(path.resolve(s"$moduleName.idl"))
val root = testRoot.resolve(path).resolve(s"${parentLang}_${childLang}")
val options = optionsTemplate.copy(
parentLang = parentLang,
childLang = childLang,
idlFile = idlFile,
makefile = true,
moduleName = moduleName,
root = root.toAbsolutePath,
quiet = true
val parser = new Parser
val idl = parser.parse(Source.fromFile(idlFile.toFile).mkString)

val installer = new InstallVisitor
val problemsetter = deploy(path.resolve(
val contestant = deploy(path.resolve(

installer.apply(new OutputDirectory(Paths.get(".")))
Generator.generate(idl, options, problemsetter, contestant).foreach(

Files.copy(problemsetter, root.resolve(problemsetter.getFileName))
Files.copy(contestant, root.resolve(contestant.getFileName))

val process = Runtime.getRuntime.exec(Array(
"/usr/bin/make", "-s", "run", "-C", root.toString

val readStream: (InputStream) => String = (inputStream) => {
val result = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
val buffer = Array.fill[Byte](1024)(0)

breakable {
while (true) {
val length =
if (length == -1) break
result.write(buffer, 0, length)
val stdout = readStream(process.getInputStream)
val stderr = readStream(process.getErrorStream)

withClue(root.toString) {
val exitStatus = process.waitFor
if (stdout != expectedOutput || exitStatus != 0) {
fail(s"expected: ${repr(expectedOutput)} got: ${repr(stdout)}.\nexit status: ${exitStatus}.\nstderr: ${stderr}")

def runDirectory(directory: Path) = {
"libinteractive" should "support multi-process targets" in {
val directory = Paths.get("mega")
val output = Source.fromFile(deploy(directory.resolve("output")).toFile).mkString.trim
for (lang <- parentLanguages) {
run(lang, "c", directory, output)
forEvery(parentLanguages) { lang =>
languagePair(lang, "c") should run (directory, output)
for (lang <- childLanguages) {
run("c", lang, directory, output)
forEvery(childLanguages) { lang =>
languagePair("c", lang) should run (directory, output)

"libinteractive" should "support multi-process targets" in {

"libinteractive" should "produce working templates" in {
val directory = Paths.get("templates")
val output = Source.fromFile(deploy(directory.resolve("output")).toFile).mkString.trim
for (lang <- childLanguages) {
run("c", lang, directory, output, Options(generateTemplate = true, verbose = true))
forEvery(childLanguages) { lang =>
languagePair("c", lang) should run (directory, output, Options(generateTemplate = true, verbose = true))

Expand All @@ -162,54 +218,9 @@ class TargetSpec extends FlatSpec with Matchers with BeforeAndAfterAll {

val directory = Paths.get("templates_transact")
val output = Source.fromFile(deploy(directory.resolve("output")).toFile).mkString.trim
for (lang <- childLanguages.filter(transactSupportedLanguages)) {
run("c", lang, directory, output, Options(generateTemplate = true, verbose = true, transact = true))

def repr(source: String): String = {
if (source == null) return null

val sb = new StringBuilder()
val limit = source.length()
var hexbuf: Array[Char] = null

var pointer = 0


while (pointer < limit) {
val ch = source.charAt(pointer)
pointer += 1

ch match {
case '\u0000' => sb.append("\\0")
case '\t' => sb.append("\\t")
case '\n' => sb.append("\\n")
case '\r' => sb.append("\\r")
case '\"' => sb.append("\\\"")
case '\\' => sb.append("\\\\")
case ch if CONTROL_LIMIT <= ch && ch <= PRINTABLE_LIMIT => sb.append(ch)
case _ => {

if (hexbuf == null)
hexbuf = Array.fill[Char](4)(0)

var offs = 4
var codepoint = ch.asInstanceOf[Int]
do {
hexbuf(offs) = HEX_DIGITS(codepoint & 0xf)
codepoint >>>= 4
offs -= 1
} while(offs > 0)

sb.append(hexbuf, 0, 4)
forEvery(childLanguages.filter(transactSupportedLanguages)) { lang =>
languagePair("c", lang) should run (directory, output, Options(generateTemplate = true, verbose = true, transact = true))

return sb.append('"').toString()

Expand Down

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