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Intermediate Tutorial
For this next tutorial we're going to get a bit more ambitious. We're going to build an Om front end to a simple Ring + Compojure application that talks to Datomic for persistence. You can of course swap in another database, but Datomic is particularly easy to use from Clojure and also provides time travel capabilities making it quite nice to pair with Om.
First download a copy of
Datomic Free. You might get an
error with versions of Datomic later than 0.9.5130
, so try that one
first (seems to be working as of 0.9.5130
). Unzip it and run the
following inside the directory:
bin/transactor config/samples/free-transactor-template.properties
This will start up the Datomic transactor.
Now in some other directory run the following to generate the tutorial
from the om-intermediate-template
Lein template:
lein new om-intermediate-template om-async
into om-async
and launch a Lein repl with lein repl
. Once the
repl is up run the following:
user=> (use 'om-async.util)
user=> (init-db)
The tutorial database now exists and is populated. Quit the REPL.
If you got an error, try an earlier version of Datomic Free.
We don't have time to cover all the details of Ring or Datomic here but hopefully you get the basic idea. If you're curious about Datomic I highly recommend Jonas Enlund's tutorial and the Day of Datomic tutorial.
We will use Figwheel to
reload our front end ClojureScript while we code. Figwheel uses a
server to auto compile our code and push it to the browser. But we
also need a server running our back end code. To simplify things, we
will configure Figwheel in our project.clj
to also serve our
custom handler:
:figwheel {:ring-handler om-async.core/handler}
To understand the back end code, open src/clj/om-async/core.clj
your favorite editor. This code creates om-async.core/handler
accepts requests to read and write to Datomic. It also serves the
static files and the compiled JavaScript files that our ClojureScript code will
To start both the server and the compilation process, run:
lein figwheel
Note: to get a better REPL experience install/get rlwrap. Most Linux systems already have it installed and OSX users can use homebrew
. Then run:
rlwrap lein figwheel
When the server is up, point your browser at localhost:3449. When it is done compiling, check if the Browser REPL is connected by typing:
cljs.user> (js/alert "Am I connected?")
You should see the alert in your browser.
Now let's read the server side code located in
. At the top of the file we have the usual
namespace stuff:
(ns om-async.core
(:require [ring.util.response :refer [file-response]]
[ring.adapter.jetty :refer [run-jetty]]
[compojure.core :refer [defroutes GET PUT]]
[compojure.route :as route]
[compojure.handler :as handler]
[clojure.edn :as edn]
[datomic.api :as d]))
Then we establish a connection to Datomic:
(def uri "datomic:free://localhost:4334/om_async")
(def conn (d/connect uri))
We then define our main route handler index
(defn index []
(file-response "public/html/index.html" {:root "resources"}))
Instead of JSON as a data format, we'll use EDN. We write a little helper for the EDN middleware we'll be using:
(defn generate-response [data & [status]]
{:status (or status 200)
:headers {"Content-Type" "application/edn"}
:body (pr-str data)})
Skip ahead briefly and let's take a look at classes
(defn classes []
(let [db (d/db conn)
(vec (map #(d/touch (d/entity db (first %)))
(d/q '[:find ?class
[?class :class/id]]
(generate-response classes)))
This just finds all the classes and returns an EDN response.
Back up and look at update-class
. It finds a class by id and modifies the
(defn update-class [id params]
(let [db (d/db conn)
title (:class/title params)
eid (ffirst
(d/q '[:find ?class
:in $ ?id
[?class :class/id ?id]]
db id))]
(d/transact conn [[:db/add eid :class/title title]])
(generate-response {:status :ok})))
We then have our routes
(defroutes routes
(GET "/" [] (index))
(GET "/classes" [] (classes))
(PUT "/class/:id/update"
{params :params edn-body :edn-body}
(update-class (:id params) edn-body))
(route/files "/" {:root "resources/public"}))
handler assumes that all incoming requests will have an edn-body
This is the body of the request parsed into EDN format by our own middleware:
(defn parse-edn-body [handler]
(fn [request]
(handler (if-let [body (:body request)]
(assoc request
:edn-body (read-inputstream-edn body))
Finally we add the EDN middleware to get our final handler:
(def handler
(-> routes
Let's look at the client side portion now; open src/cljs/om-async/core.cljs
in your editor. The ns
form should look familiar, and we enable console.log
printing. The ns
metadata tells Figwheel that we want to do code reloading:
(ns ^:figwheel-always om-async.core
(:require [cljs.reader :as reader]
[goog.events :as events]
[om.core :as om :include-macros true]
[om.dom :as dom :include-macros true])
(:import [goog.net XhrIo]
[goog.events EventType]))
(println "Hello world!")
We're going to use simple callbacks to begin this tutorial instead of diving in with core.async immediately.
First we write a simple utility for making async requests to the server with EDN. We rely on Google Closure to deal with cross browser issues:
(def ^:private meths
{:get "GET"
:put "PUT"
:post "POST"
:delete "DELETE"})
(defn edn-xhr [{:keys [method url data on-complete]}]
(let [xhr (XhrIo.)]
(events/listen xhr goog.net.EventType.COMPLETE
(fn [e]
(on-complete (reader/read-string (.getResponseText xhr)))))
(. xhr
(send url (meths method) (when data (pr-str data))
#js {"Content-Type" "application/edn"}))))
Next we define our app-state
. In this case we won't have initial
data because we will need to fetch it from the server. Still we need
to provide the basic structure:
(def app-state
(atom {:classes []}))
Next we need the display
style helper from the previous tutorial:
(defn display [show]
(if show
#js {}
#js {:display "none"}))
We are now going to write a version of the editable
component that does not require hacking around the differences between JavaScript primitive strings and JavaScript String objects. The following is strongly recommended over extending native types to ICloneable
as we did to get by in the Basic Tutorial.
Instead of editable
taking a string cursor from the application state,
it will take some larger piece of data and a key to locate the
string to edit. handle-change
now looks like this:
(defn handle-change [e data edit-key owner]
(om/transact! data edit-key (fn [_] (.. e -target -value))))
Because editable
is so simple and to demonstrate alternative approaches, instead of using core.async channels editable
will notify its parent component with a callback when editing is complete:
(defn end-edit [text owner cb]
(om/set-state! owner :editing false)
(cb text))
This is editable
(defn editable [data owner {:keys [edit-key on-edit] :as opts}]
(init-state [_]
{:editing false})
(render-state [_ {:keys [editing]}]
(let [text (get data edit-key)]
(dom/li nil
(dom/span #js {:style (display (not editing))} text)
#js {:style (display editing)
:value text
:onChange #(handle-change % data edit-key owner)
:onKeyDown #(when (= (.-key %) "Enter")
(end-edit text owner on-edit))
:onBlur (fn [e]
(when (om/get-state owner :editing)
(end-edit text owner on-edit)))})
#js {:style (display (not editing))
:onClick #(om/set-state! owner :editing true)}
Take the time to read through and understand this code. It's almost
identical to the previous version with the exception that we take
which is a map cursor. We also take an edit-key
and the
callback via opts
We now have a generic editable component that doesn't require us to hack JavaScript strings.
When the user commits a change we want to communicate this back to the server:
(defn on-edit [id title]
{:method :put
:url (str "class/" id "/update")
:data {:class/title title}
(fn [res]
(println "server response:" res))}))
Our classes-view
will load the data from server on
(defn classes-view [app owner]
(will-mount [_]
{:method :get
:url "classes"
:on-complete #(om/transact! app :classes (fn [_] %))}))
(render [_]
(dom/div #js {:id "classes"}
(dom/h2 nil "Classes")
(apply dom/ul nil
(fn [class]
(let [id (:class/id class)]
(om/build editable class
{:opts {:edit-key :class/title
:on-edit #(on-edit id %)}})))
(:classes app)))))))
(om/root classes-view app-state
{:target (.getElementById js/document "classes")})
That's it. Save your file. You should see the list of classes loaded from the server. You should be able to edit a class title. Press enter to commit the title change. Refresh your browser and you should see that the change persisted.
Both your back end and front end can support sophisticated operations on application state history without incurring incidental complexity.
Many difficulties in modern UI programming arise from the fact that we're often building distributed systems - clients and servers. Not only do we have to keep clients and servers in sync but we have to gracefully handle those cases where sync is not possible.
It's quite common in modern applications to make an optimistic commit, and then discover that synchronization cannot happen - perhaps because of a back end bug, undefined behavior in the API , or commonly the complete lack of network connectivity. In this distributed setting UI programming becomes a speculative endeavor.
One well known form of speculative UI programming is multi-level undo. It's telling that many single page user interfaces on the web do not support this kind of undo - it's hard enough to implement in a desktop application. Add the distributed component and most developers raise the white flag.
However an immutable UI approach like Om and immutable databases like Datomic provide the infrastructure to make these problems very approachable even in a distributed context.
We'll come back to this, but first let's explore modularity in the context of synchronizing application state.
Ideally we can build our UIs without considering synchronization. And when we come to the problem of synchronization we should be able to add it to our application without changing any code we have already written.
This is effectively the goal of om-sync, a reusable synchronization component for Om. You can take your existing component, put together an application and impose a synchronization policy without changing your own code.
Let's modify the previous tutorial so that we can demonstrate this now.
Make sure the Datomic transactor is running as before.
First we need to change our project.clj
to include a dependency on
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.6.0"]
[org.clojure/clojurescript "0.0-3195"]
[org.clojure/core.async "0.1.346.0-17112a-alpha"]
[org.omcljs/om "0.8.8"]
[om-sync "0.1.1"] ;; <=== ADD THIS
[ring "1.3.2"]
[compojure "1.3.1"]
[com.datomic/datomic-free "0.9.5130" :exclusions [joda-time]]]
Let's update the server side code to uniformly handle EDN requests.
After generate-response
let's add get-classes
(defn get-classes [db]
(->> (d/q '[:find ?class
[?class :class/id]]
(map #(d/touch (d/entity db (first %))))
We want to be able to properly initialize the client state as well as give it information so that it can communicate back with the server:
Let's make a request handler called init
(defn init []
{:classes {:url "/classes" :coll (get-classes (d/db conn))}}))
We're also going to add a handler for creating classes but we're going to return a 500 for now to demonstrate some neat properties of Om:
(defn create-class [params]
{:status 500})
Let's refactor update-class
a bit:
(defn update-class [params]
(let [id (:class/id params)
db (d/db conn)
title (:class/title params)
eid (ffirst
(d/q '[:find ?class
:in $ ?id
[?class :class/id ?id]]
db id))]
(d/transact conn [[:db/add eid :class/title title]])
(generate-response {:status :ok})))
Let's also refactor the classes
request handler:
(defn classes []
(generate-response (get-classes (d/db conn))))
We are introducing the POST
HTTP method so need to make sure it is imported.
to the compojure.core
import at the top of the file:
(ns om-async.core
(:require [ring.util.response :refer [file-response]]
[ring.adapter.jetty :refer [run-jetty]]
[compojure.core :refer [defroutes GET PUT POST]] ;; <=== ADD POST
[compojure.route :as route]
[compojure.handler :as handler]
[clojure.edn :as edn]
[datomic.api :as d]))
And let's provide the new routes:
(defroutes routes
(GET "/" [] (index))
(GET "/init" [] (init))
(GET "/classes" [] (classes))
(POST "/classes" {params :edn-body} (create-class params))
(PUT "/classes" {params :edn-body} (update-class params))
(route/files "/" {:root "resources/public"}))
Since we modified our ns
declaration you might need to restart lein figwheel
. That's it for our server side code. Let's update the
client code.
First we need to modify the namespace form. Since we'll be using
we clean up some things:
(ns ^:figwheel-always om-async.core
(:require-macros [cljs.core.async.macros :refer [go]])
(:require [cljs.core.async :as async :refer [put! chan alts!]]
[om.core :as om :include-macros true]
[om.dom :as dom :include-macros true]
[om-sync.core :refer [om-sync]]
[om-sync.util :refer [tx-tag edn-xhr]]))
Remove the edn-xhr function and private meths map created earlier. We now use edn-xhr as defined in om-sync.util.
In order for om-sync
to work you need modify how you call
. om-sync
needs to be able to subscribe to the
application's transactions so that it can observe transactions that
are relevant to it.
We use core.async to publish a channel that components like om-sync
can subscribe to. This is done by making the channel a global service via
. We also make an EDN request to get our initial state using
the new init
route we wrote on the back end.
Remove our old call to om/root and place the following at the very bottom of the page:
(let [tx-chan (chan)
tx-pub-chan (async/pub tx-chan (fn [_] :txs))]
{:method :get
:url "/init"
(fn [res]
(reset! app-state res)
(om/root app-view app-state
{:target (.getElementById js/document "classes")
:shared {:tx-chan tx-pub-chan}
(fn [tx-data root-cursor]
(put! tx-chan [tx-data root-cursor]))}))}))
We create a channel tx-chan
. We then make a subscribeable channel
so that om-sync
instances can call
on it. We request the initial state of the
application from the server. Here we use some om.core/root
options we
have not seen before. :shared
allows us to provide a global service
to any components in our application. :tx-listen
is a callback that
will be invoked anytime the application state transitions. We simply
put this information into tx-chan
Technically we don't need to change editable
to make this work,
but we're going to make editable
a better citizen in order to
explain how om-sync
First modify end-edit
(defn end-edit [data edit-key text owner cb]
(om/set-state! owner :editing false)
(om/transact! data edit-key (fn [_] text) :update)
(when cb
(cb text)))
The changes here are mostly because of the fact that we now invoke om/transact!
. The interesting part is that this om/transact!
supplies a tag, :update
. om-sync
specifically listens for :create
, :update
, and :delete
tags. We could make this work without the transaction tag, but not as simply.
needs to change to accommodate the new end-edit
(defn editable [data owner {:keys [edit-key on-edit] :as opts}]
(init-state [_]
{:editing false})
(render-state [_ {:keys [editing]}]
(let [text (get data edit-key)]
(dom/li nil
(dom/span #js {:style (display (not editing))} text)
#js {:style (display editing)
:value text
:onChange #(handle-change % data edit-key owner)
:onKeyDown #(when (= (.-key %) "Enter")
(end-edit data edit-key text owner on-edit))
:onBlur (fn [e]
(when (om/get-state owner :editing)
(end-edit data edit-key text owner on-edit)))})
#js {:style (display (not editing))
:onClick #(om/set-state! owner :editing true)}
We also want to allow people to add classes. We know that the back end
doesn't support this but we'll try it on the front end anyway to
demonstrate the capabilities of om-sync
(defn create-class [classes owner]
(let [class-id-el (om/get-node owner "class-id")
class-id (.-value class-id-el)
class-name-el (om/get-node owner "class-name")
class-name (.-value class-name-el)
new-class {:class/id class-id :class/title class-name}]
(om/transact! classes [] #(conj % new-class)
[:create new-class])
(set! (.-value class-id-el) "")
(set! (.-value class-name-el) "")))
We update classes-view
to include some new input fields:
(defn classes-view [classes owner]
(render [_]
(dom/div #js {:id "classes"}
(dom/h2 nil "Classes")
(apply dom/ul nil
(map #(om/build editable % {:opts {:edit-key :class/title}})
(dom/div nil
(dom/label nil "ID:")
(dom/input #js {:ref "class-id"})
(dom/label nil "Name:")
(dom/input #js {:ref "class-name"})
#js {:onClick (fn [e] (create-class classes owner))}
All this should look pretty straightforward by now.
Finally we write app-view
, add this right before the om/root
(defn app-view [app owner]
(will-update [_ next-props next-state]
(when (:err-msg next-state)
(js/setTimeout #(om/set-state! owner :err-msg nil) 5000)))
(render-state [_ {:keys [err-msg]}]
(dom/div nil
(om/build om-sync (:classes app)
{:opts {:view classes-view
:filter (comp #{:create :update :delete} tx-tag)
:id-key :class/id
:on-success (fn [res tx-data] (println res))
(fn [err tx-data]
(reset! app-state (:old-state tx-data))
(om/set-state! owner :err-msg
"Oops! Sorry, something went wrong. Try again later."))}})
(when err-msg
(dom/div nil err-msg))))))
You can remove the on-edit
function too. om-sync
will handle the PUT.
We render classes-view
via om-sync
, this is specified by the
option. We supply a :filter
so that individual key presses
don't get synchronized - this is why we tagged the end-edit
above with :update
. om-sync
needs to know which
property represents an identifier the server understands in order to
send incremental updates. Finally we establish :on-success
is the most interesting bit here - if there's a server error
we just roll back the application state and present an error message.
This is speculative UI programming, we can optimistically update the client yet trivially roll back if something goes wrong. And all of this can be done without polluting your actual components with synchronization or undo logic.
Refresh your browser and make sure your JavaScript Console is
open. Edit a class. You should see {:status ok}
if it
worked. Refresh the browser, you will see that the state persisted.
Now put some random data into the new input fields and press "Add". You should see the data briefly appear in the list and then disappear when we roll back the state because we could not succeed. An error message appears.
Hopefully this tutorial demonstrates how Om allows application developers to focus on their problem domain and remove sources of incidental complexity.
Having made it this far you can probably read through the om-sync
source yourself and hopefully be inspired to send a pull request to
improve so it can be leveraged in more contexts.
In case you run intro trouble, you can find the final version of the code here.