Roadget Application Aims To Provide Your Career Path By The Best RoadMaps and Finding Suitable Course for your career .
App Published on Google Play :
App Features :
- Authentication Login , Signup , Reset Password
- User can Choose his Field , Sub-Field and get a Roadmap for his career
- User found his suitalbe courses for his career and can Enroll in it
- In User profile , You will find your courses , Dashboard for them (Matriel , Notes) and you give your Reveiw for them
- Admin can create its course , show his all courses , accepting requests on courses , posting Matriel and Notes in Dashboard of them
Code Features :
- Navigation graph for fragments Screens
- Applied The single-responsibility principle of OOD
- Tried to make it clean and readable code
- The Code orginized by classifying it into 3 packages : Network layer , UI , Logic and Data
- Network layer contains Authencticon and Request of Bringing data from Firebase Real-time Database
- Logic package contaings Adapters for data , Data Package contains models and some static data
- Sort Button have three sorting Simple algorthims
- App intro slider for Introduce app features
- Drawables used with difreent densities to fit with more screens
- 80% of Drawables are SVG to minimize app size
- User Signin and Signup using Firebase Authentication
- Binding views using butterknife
- Most of Layouts made with constraint layout and guidelines
- Icons from
Whole App UI (Sequence of App) :
Used libraries :
- Firebase Authentication ,Storage , Real-time database
- Navigation UI , Navigation fragment
- Butterknife
- swapnil1104:OtpEditText
- circleimageview
- recyclerview
- AppIntro
- constraintlayout