Simple example with http/2 zio-quartz-h2 server/client with jsoniter-scala json codec accessing Chat GPT API.
This is a template project for zio-quartz-h2
- onConnect/OnDisconnect responsible for client connections wih H2Client ZIO service, unless you want open and close connection per request.
- You can have ZIO-tests for your project. Just add/replace test in /test folder.
- Please, use provided JSON codec or repace with your own.
quartz-h2 http2 server.
JSON library.
sbt run
http POST english text to -
sbt assembly
java -jar qh2-http-run.jar
sbt test
Make sure you have proper path for
val FOLDER_PATH = "...."
val BIG_FILE = "img_0278.jpeg"
Options for logging level.
sbt "run --debug"
sbt "run --error"
sbt "run --off"