FoundationPress v2.10.0
v2.10.0 (2017-08-05)
Okay, so here it is. FoundationPress is now based on Foundation 6.4.1. That means we've got a new (and better way) for writing and using layouts with XY-Grid. The old float based grid is disabled by default, but is still a part of the project if you need to support legacy browsers. JavaScript is now bundled and loaded with webpack. And a lot of issues are addressed. I think that it has generally become a better and more robust theme.
We have removed some dependencies like bower. As a consequence of the changes that was introduced in Foundation 6.4.1, the Gulpfile is also changed. This is more or less copied from the Zurb Template, with only a few adjustments to make it work in a WordPress context.
Last but now least, the README file is obviously updated with the new instructions.
Enjoy! 🚀
Closed issues:
- Expected response code 250 but got code "530", with message "530 5.7.1 Authentication required #1019
- Local to Live Pulling all Changes #1012
- ERR! Invalid name: "@gulp-sourcemaps/map-sources" #986
- functions.php #981
- Responsive Image height and width #972
- How do you handle the "is-active" class on orbit slider when using ACF to add images #945
- How do I support the built in WP Gallery in Foundationpress #937
- Error: 'libsass' bindings not found. Try reinstalling 'node-sass'? #936
- Problem with navigation touch events (menu not working on ipad) #935
- Responsive Accordion Tabs #931
- updating npm packages - guiding lines? #920
- FoundationPress generator #919
- Compilation issue #915
- is_single returns true for attachment page (navigation.php) #871
- Is FP compatible with the WP Theme Directory guidelines? #849
- Active dropdown always showing. #814
- SCSS Compiling Issue / Components Not Importing #799
- Should Aside be used for the sidebar? #798
- npm run production watches files #745
- Nav Questions #639
Merged pull requests:
- Foundation update #1022 (olefredrik)