Anchor provides an easy way to quickly view your Rackspace cloud server or block storage distribution between host servers by Data Center.
In addition you can utilize an API to ask whether the new server that has just been built shares a host with another server in your account. This provides insight into which of your server(s) would be affected if a specific host server has an issue causing downtime.
To view the API documentation you can visit
To use the application just login with your username and Cloud Account API key. The application does not store the API key and keeps no record of it. It only uses the API key to make the authentication call so that the application can generate the token. The token is then used in subsequent API calls, and is kept as long as there is a session. A logout will clear the session of any data, or when the token expires whichever comes first.
View Authentication Call details
All you need is docker installed along with docker-compose
mkdir anchor
git clone
cd anchor
cp anchor/config/ anchor/config/
cp anchor/config/ anchor/config/
Change the appropriate values in each of the config files. Currently the sample configs are setup for running everything in Docker or localhost but can be changed depending on the environment.
docker-compose build
docker-compose up -d
docker ps
You should see four containers running named anchor_app, anchor_celery, mongo, and rabbitmq:3. If all four are running then you can browse to http://localhost:5000
to view the running application.
If you want to view the container logs in-line just omit the -d flag and it will run in the current terminal window. To stop it in this mode just use CTRL-C. If running in detached mode you can use the command docker logs CONTAINER_ID
to view the specific container log files.
If in detached mode you can use the following command to stop the containers.
docker-compose stop
mkdir anchor
git clone
cd anchor
cp anchor/config/ anchor/config/
cp anchor/config/ anchor/config/
Change the appropriate values in each of the config files. You will need a rabbitmq server and a mongo server to run locally. These can both be run in docker without issues to avoid having to install both services, but will need to be accessible from localhost.
RabbitMQ docker example run command
docker run --name rabbit-dev -p "15672:15672" -p "5672:5672" -p "4369:4369" -p "5671:5671" -p "25672:25672" -d rabbitmq
MongoDB docker example run command
docker run --name mongo-dev -p "27017:27017" -d mongo
Install base packages needed for the application
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -r dev-requirements.txt
nosetests --with-coverage --cover-erase --cover-package anchor