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Generalized Transfer Entropy analysis for model-free network reconstruction.

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This package consists of the full source code used for the Transfer Entropy (TE) based measure of effective connectivity (called Generalized Transfer Entropy, or GTE) published in Model-free Reconstruction of Neuronal Network Connectivity from Calcium Imaging Signals.

Its main purpose is to calculate pairwise causal influences using one of the following methods:

It also contains four methods of estimating TE and GTE without binning:


There are two ways to install: Manually or via Docker.

The Docker installation is not fully completed at this time, but it does work. (The FLANN library is missing.)

Option A: Install via Docker

To install the dependencies in a virtual Ubuntu image, install Docker and type:

docker build -t te-causality .

Then to execute the included unit tests:

docker run te-causality

Or, to execute the first example that is included in this repository:

docker run -it te-causality ./te-extended examples/1/control.txt

The same thing slightly improved, because you also get the result of the computation included in the text output:

docker run -it te-causality \
  bash -c "./te-extended examples/1/control.txt && cat examples/"

For more examples please refer to the examples directory in this repository, and the Readme files there.

In particular, to learn about using Docker volumes (effectively so that you can use the Docker container like a normal command-line tool rather than a virtual machine) please refer to the second example.

Or, to get a bash shell in the fully installed container type:

docker run -it te-causality bash

The Dockerfile will likely be a helpful guide even if you decide to install without Docker.

Option B: Install locally


To compile the GTE binaries based on binned estimates, all you need is a standard C++ compiler, and the following libraries:

Please make sure that GSL and Boost are available to your C++ linker, and that the path to the SimKernel files is correctly set in the Rakefile.

Light scattering

To simulate light scattering, we need to load the spatial positions of each node from a YAML file. You therefore need to have the yaml-cpp libraries installed (version 0.5.0 or greater).

Binless methods

To use the binless estimators, you also need to install Marius Muja's excellent FLANN (Fast Library for Approximate Nearest Neighbors) package and make it available to your linker.

Input file formats

See below for details on the file formats of the input data to the causality programs. You will need a SimKernel control file, and and some input time series, either directly loaded from disk, or in the form of spike trains. In the latter case, the te-datainit library will simulate a fluorescence signal.

Note that minimal sample files are included in the transferentropy-sim/tests directory.

SimKernel control file

All of the reconstruction and signal parameters are set via SimKernel. See the SimKernel repository for general documentation.

In principle, all parameters like size for the number of nodes or SourceMarkovOrder for the order of the assumed Markov process are set in this file and can be changed without re-compiling the GTE programs.

Example control file:

// word length
p = 2;
SourceMarkovOrder = p;
TargetMarkovOrder = p;
StartSampleIndex = p;

bins = 3;

// input data
size = 100;
spikeindexfile = "data/indices.txt";
spiketimesfile = "data/times.txt";
tauF = 20;

samples = 1000;

FluorescenceModel = "Leogang";
DeltaCalciumOnAP = 50.;
tauCa = 1000.;
noise = 0.03;
saturation = 300;
tauF = 20;

globalbins = 2;
OverrideRescalingQ = False;
HighPassFilterQ = True;
InstantFeedbackTermQ = True;
IncludeGlobalSignalQ = True;
GlobalConditioningLevel = 0.5;

// output files
outputfile = "";
outputparsfile = "";

This could be a standard setting to simulate a fluorescence signal based on the given spike times, and the calculate the GTE matrix conditioned on the average fluorescence via the parameter GlobalConditioningLevel.

One of the main features of SimKernel are iterators. For instance, to calculate GTE for different numbers of samples, one could use code such as the following:

samplesList = {10, 50, 100, 500,1000, 5000, 10000, 15000};
iS = Iterator[j, {j, 0, Length[samplesList]-1, 1}];
samples = samplesList[[iS]];

Note the double brackets (Mathematica syntax), but that the array index is starting from zero.

Spike trains

Spike times are loaded simply as line break separated entries in two files of equal length. One containing spike times (SimKernel parameter spiketimesfile) and one listing the corresponding node indices (SimKernel parameter spikeindexfile).

Fluorescence time series (or any other continuous signal)

Alternatively, you can simply load an already existing time series (in ASCII format) directly via the SimKernel parameter inputfile.

Network topology

For the purpose of simulating light scattering, we need to know the spatial position of each node. We therefore load a YAML file of the following format:

size: 3 # number of nodes
cons: 4 # number of connections
notes: "example miniature topology"
createdAt: "Tue 20 Sep 2011 14:55:21"
  - id: 1
    pos: [0.516609, 0.187339]
    connectedTo: [2,3]
  - id: 2
    pos: [0.933885, 0.0615908]
    connectedTo: [1]
  - id: 3
    pos: [0.519384, 0.110653]
    connectedTo: [2]


The result of the computation are two files: A parameter file and a file stating the computed effective connectivity matrix. Both files are written in Mathematica List format. An example of the connectivity file using te-extended might be the following:


In Mathematica syntax, this corresponds to a 2x2 matrix with zeros on the diagonal. The value of 0.14 is then the computed GTE in bits which is the effective weight of the causal link from the first time series to the second time series.


All of the files (with the exception of transferentropy-sim/tests/catch.hpp, taken from here, which is licensed under the Boost license) can be copied, modified, used for commercial or non-commercial purpose, as long as you keep the following copyright message in the source files:

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see here.


Generalized Transfer Entropy analysis for model-free network reconstruction.






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